Customers: Alkemi of Pharm Moscow; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Mebius BI (Möbius) Product: Qlik SenseНа базе: QlikView.Next Project date: 2019/01 - 2019/06
The system of the management reporting on the basis of Qlik Sense on the following blocks: commerce, finance, trade inventories.
The works performed during the project:
- Created the uniform list of strategic indicators of the company
Helped the client to record the uniform list of the key commercial and financial performance which needs to be traced in dynamics
- Developed the ETL mechanism
For data loading in Qlik and their processings we used the mechanism which is built in Qlik allowing to solve problems of any complexity
- Created more than 20 different analytical panels
We developed and implemented the analytical panels grouped in functional units and levels of management of the company
- Differentiation of the access levels
Each user of our solution sees only those data which are available to it on the level of management
- All business clearly
Thanks to the developed BI solution on the basis of Qlik Sense owners and company executives had an opportunity at any moment visually to see all financial and commercial performance
- Increase in trust to data
Earlier a part of analytics in the company prepared in Excel that increases an error probability and, as a result, reduces trust to data. The solution based on Qlik closed this problem and now all trust one source of information
- Decrease in labor costs on preparation of analytics
Now analysts can be engaged in the work, namely investigate data in Qlik, analyze different indicators and trends, but not to be engaged in data collection and their processing for further analytics
- 1C does not "brake" any more
Thanks to a separate BI system, the company does not use any more the reporting which is built in 1C which strongly loads 1C.