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Crocus Nanoelectronics: memory of ReRAM

Developers: Crocus Nanoelectronics, KNE (Crocus NanoElectronics)
Date of the premiere of the system: August, 2020
Branches: Electrical equipment and microelectronics

2020: Beginning of production

On August 12, 2020 the Crocus Nanoelectronics company entering into Rusnano announced release of the chips of a non-volatile resistive memory created based on technology process of 55 nanometers of ULP (Ultra Low Power).

It is about so-called resistive memory (ReRAM). Resistance of chips to influence of adverse conditions, including high temperatures is considered one of this technology. It allows to use memory to highly reliable electronics, including medical equipment. Besides, memory can find application in the systems of Internet of Things.

In Russia production of memory with "world-class" energy consumption is started

In Crocus of Nanoelectronics  call themselves the only enterprise in Russia capable to produce a non-volatile memory of new generation in lots.

The first samples have the amount of memory of 1 Mbit and in the short term can be scaled up to 128 Mbit. The released chips show energy consumption at read operations and record at the level of the advanced world technologies of a non-volatile memory, developers claim.

The first product with a new chip of memory which is planned to release is the chip of radio frequency identification (UHF RFID technology) which is used, in particular, for goods marking at an inventory control.

The high density and exclusively low power consumption of this technology allowed us to create design of one of the most miniature chips in the class. For a power supply the chip uses only the energy received from the antenna and is capable to receive and transfer information to the standard reader device at distance more than 5 meters, - the director of product developments of Crocus Nanoelectronics company Alexey Hvalkovsky said.

According to him, the first RFID chips made in Crocus Nanoelectronics company should appear in the market in 2021.[1]
