The system operator implemented digital monitoring systems of stocks of stability in ODU of the Center, the Voronezh and Lipetsk RDU
Customers: SO UES Interconnected dispatching office of power supply system of the Center (ODU of the Center) Product: ASCAPC projects Project date: 2020/01 - 2020/07
2020: Implementation of digital monitoring systems of stocks of stability
Specialists of branches of JSC SO UES "Interconnected dispatching office of power supply system of the Center" (ODU of the Center), "Regional dispatching office of the Energy System of the Voronezh region" (the Voronezh RDU) and "Regional dispatching office of power supply systems of the Lipetsk and Tambov regions" (the Lipetsk RDU) implemented a complex of technical and organizational actions for ensuring input in commercial operation of the digital monitoring systems of stocks of stability (MSSS) in the Unified Energy System (UES) of the Center and power supply systems of the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. ODU of the Center reported about it on August 12, 2020.
SMZU is the developed JSC STC of EEC together with JSC SO UES the software package bringing settlement process of the maximum allowed overflows (MAO) in the electric network to essentially other level. A system is intended for calculation of values TIR in real time that allows to consider the current changes of a circuit and regime situation in power supply system and by that to provide additional opportunities for use of capacity of the electric network and the choice of the optimal control algorithm with the modes of power supply system without decrease in level of its reliability.
The software packages SMZU put into operation are used for calculations of TIR on four controlled sections: "Voronezh-2 on the North", "Voronezh-2 on the South", Don and "Voronezh-1".
Within implementation of the SMZU software and hardware complexes in branches of System operator of ODU of the Center, the Voronezh and Lipetsk RDU the server hardware, the system and technology software is installed and configured, instructive documentation is developed and training of dispatching personnel in application of SMZU at management of an operation mode of CUC of the Center, the Voronezh and Lipetsk power supply systems is provided.
In the course of preparation for input in commercial operation of digital monitoring systems of stocks of stability specialists of ODU of the Center, together with developers of JSC STC of EEC participated in testing of operation of the server hardware and the software of the SMZU complexes, updated design models of power supply systems and the database on parameters of devices of antiabnormal automatic equipment for correct determination of TIR in controlled sections.
Implementation of SMZU is a real step to digitalization of power, along with such projects as input of centralized systems of antiabnormal automatic equipment of third generation in the integrated power systems and the systems of remote control of the equipment of substations. Use in power industry of digital technologies allows to gain considerable positive effect due to creation on their base of more effective management models technology and business processes. In particular, ensuring the maximum use of capacity of the trunk power transmission lines due to application of SMZU gives additional opportunities of optimization of loading of the generating capacities.