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Alfa-Bank and SRG started service of independent online assessment of apartments

Customers: Alfa-Bank Russia

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Contractors: SRG-Eco

Project date: 2020/02  - 2020/08

2020: Alfa-Bank and SRG started service of independent online assessment of apartments

Clients of Alfa-Bank can, without involvement of the estimated company now, examine the pledged real estate through Samoosmotr service from SRG. For this purpose the smartphone with the camera and Internet access suffices.

Service is simple in use and does not require training. Each stage of independent assessment is accompanied by the robot assistant with hints, and process takes no more than fifteen minutes. The client receives assessment of the real estate during the day, and the ready electronic report instantly gets to bank via secure channels of communication.

"At assessment of the mortgage real estate not to do without specialist of the third-party company — it is necessary to register and meet previously on an object. It is a waste of time and unnecessary risk in the conditions of a pandemic. Now using Samoosmotr it is possible to estimate the real estate quicker, more conveniently and cheaper — the cost of service is on average 15% lower, than assessment with departure of the specialist" — the Head of Department of mortgage lending of Alfa-Bank Artem Ivanov noted.

"We are glad to offer clients of Alfa-Bank the convenient and modern service especially relevant in the period of a pandemic when offline it is desirable for communication to minimize everything. It is sure, our cooperation with bank will provide further digital transformation of services, and clients will appreciate advantages of a new product" — the partner of SRG group Maxim Rusakov commented.