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The shopping center in Brazil installed the Russian system of face recognition

Customers: Jockey Plaza

Show business, leisure, sport

Contractors: RecFaces
Product: RecFaces Id-Guard
Third product: RecFaces VxFaces

Project date: 2020/08

On August 20, 2020 the Russian company RecFaces announced implementation of the Id-Guard system in shopping center Jockey Plaza in the Brazilian city of Curitiba. Within this project biometric identification in the video flow received from surveillance cameras was implemented.

For face recognition and creation of base of biometric profiles in the project the specialized plug-in VxFaces developed based on the Id-Guard software product of RecFaces company was used. The module of recognition VxFaces is intended for expansion of functionality of a video surveillance system VideoXpert from Pelco which was used on an object. Integration of Id-Guard into VMS VideoXpert allowed to start function of search of persons (including retrospective) and storage of biotemplates in the single interface of a system of video analytics in shopping center.

The shopping center in Brazil installed the Russian system of face recognition

The principle of work of Id-Guard is based on comparison of the data obtained from a video flow from cameras of a system of security television with in advance loaded card file of biometric profiles (photos) and also with earlier detected images. After loading of a card file and assignment of list attribute, the solution instantly informs the operator on the recognizable or not recognized persons, belongings to lists, etc.

According to the head of RecFaces Tamara Morozova if the security service of shopping center needs to check whether there was a wanted person the building, its photo is loaded into a system, and VxFaces automatically analyzes archive video and a video flow in real time. If, for example, in the territory of shopping center theft or act of vandalism was committed, then for not repetition of an incident the biometric profile of the criminal received from a video flow will be saved, and in a system there is an opportunity to configure notifications on its emergence, she noted.