Customers: The international airport Shoudu in Beijing Contractors: SITA Product: SITA Smart PathProject date: 2020/08
In August, 2020 at the International airport Shoudu in Beijing the biometric Smart Path system developed by SITA company was started. Thanks to this technology contactless passing of preflight checks for passengers was implemented.
Passengers need to be registered only once, all subsequent checks at the airport will be executed using a sensing technology of persons. Application of a system of SITA Smart Path gives to passengers the chance to move on zones of the airport and to pass its key points thanks to biometric scanning face instead of presentation of the boarding pass.
The innovation is integrated in more than 600 boundary check-points, including 250 of biometric "electronic gate", 80 points of independent registration and 30 self-service kiosks for reading of biometric data on passengers of the international runs.
By August, 2020 the technology of identification of travelers is applied in several check-points of the International airport of Beijing, including in booths of independent registration, self-service and on checking in racks and also when passing passport control, in a zone of a departure and when landing aboard.
Affirms that the system of SITA Smart Path provided considerable acceleration of processing of data on the tourists who are taking off from the International airport of Beijing: so, information processing 400 passengers who are sitting down a board on Airbus A380 takes less than 20 minutes. Besides, by means of a system contactless payment of duty-free goods without presentation of the boarding pass was implemented.
The international airport Shoudu in Beijing – the airport, largest in China, which passenger traffic during the period since 2018-2020 exceeded 100 million people.[1]