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MAI applied the domestic solution VIDEOCONFERENCING Vinteo for acceptance of entrance examinations

Customers: Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) State technical university

Contractors: Vinteo
Product: Vinteo Video Core

Project date: 2020/02  - 2020/08

2020: Implementation of Vinteo Video Core

On August 21, 2020 the Vinteo company reported that it installed the VKS system and expanded possibilities of the Resource center of scientific research and the innovative technologies of the Moscow Aviation Institute (RTs NIIT MAI) for the organization of remote acceptance of entrance examinations in university and holding remote test lectures in connection with failure from internal educational processes, within measures for warning of spread of a koronavirusny infection.

According to the company, because of increase in load of IT infrastructure and need of operational transfer of educational process to the remote mode, the university needed to expand in the shortest possible time the existing patented RTs NIIT MAI VKS system, without replacement of the available equipment, with a possibility of its subsequent scaling with the minimum investments. The VKS system had to provide connection of participants, regardless of the terminal equipment of a video conferencing used by them (or using the browser), holding lecture, consulting and examination actions, Internet broadcasts of video conferences and their record. When choosing the VKS system the security issue and preserving of authorship of intellectual property as in university Researches and Development which require providing the mode of privacy are conducted was essentially important.

The solution VIDEOCONFERENCING Vinteo met all requirements of RTs NIIT MAI - it is the Russian development, products of the company are included into the Unified register of domestic software and completely conform to state standards of security and import substitution. The Vinteo VKS system has advanced functionality and works under the widespread SIP and H.323 protocols, is integrated with the majority of solutions of other producers (including foreign), provides a connectivity of subscribers from any devices and works even at unstable communication channels. For August, 2020 in MAI the program servers providing connections to 100 participants at the same time with a possibility of operational increase in their quantity in case of need are used.

During the period from March to June, 2020, employees of RTs NIIT MAI gave more than 350 lectures in the remote video mode on different disciplines ("Flight tests of airplanes", "Certification of the aircraft equipment", Aerogidrodinamik, etc.), lectures with the Chinese students on Russian and also offset at foreign students on discipline "Certification of the aircraft equipment" is remotely accepted. As the technical platform the combination of own patented system of distance learning and a video conferencing of RTs NIIT MAI (patent No. 126492 of November 16, 2012) and the Vinteo VIDEOCONFERENCING program servers was used. In particular, system operation of VKS of Vinteo was tested during remote lectures on discipline "The production technology of spacecrafts".

Due to the actions for warning of spread of a koronavirusny infection, entrance examinations in 2020 are also held to MAI remotely. The procedure of acceptance of examinations began on June 23, 2020 with entrance tests at entrants from Russia and the CIS countries, and foreign countries and will be for all entrants till August 26, 2020 fully completed. According to the results of the first stage, examinations in different disciplines were already passed by over 1700 entrants arriving on a bachelor degree, a specialist programme and a magistracy.

As our university is engaged in project, scientific developments, developmental works, the illusive possibility of information leak cannot allow even at all. Naturally, use of foreign products VIDEOCONFERENCING for distance learning with virtual servers in Europe and the USA was excluded at once. Besides, often even foreign vendors propose for needs of education solutions which are suitable for holding web conferences more, than for distance learning. It is very important for the organization of full process of remote education using hardware-software solutions to create the atmosphere of this audience where between pupils and teachers there is full video and audio contact, so-called "effect of presence", transfer of content the teacher-pupil-teacher. It is possible to achieve it only due to work with solutions of the class telepresence.

Anatoly Kachalin, the director of RTs NIIT MAI told

In MAI the procedure of acceptance of remote entrance examinations including a clear algorithm of actions was developed. The detailed instruction on connection to the Vinteo VKS system from any device (depending on type of the device either downloading of the necessary program, or opening of the sent link in the browser with the subsequent authorization by a set of the set four-digit number is offered) is issued to entrants. After an input the link to an examination task comes to the conference room to the entrant in electronic form, and it starts its accomplishment for the fixed period. At the same time the selection committee and entrants see and hear each other in real time, can ask questions. Record of all process of acceptance of examination which goes to a videoarchive, and in case of submission of the appeal by entrants is made, the selection committee browses a videoarchive of the entrant for an opportunity to give on the appeal. Also on the VKS server all statistics of connections and shutdowns, speed, quantity of data loss of each entrant in the course of work on an examination task is visible – thus, the suspicious activity of entrants indicating possible falsifications at passing an examination is traced. Statistics from the server on video and content is the basis for selection committee about decision-making on discharge from examination or its repeated delivery if work of the entrant caused suspicions.