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2010/04/15 17:32:51

Prime minister support of Microsoft

The Microsoft company began to render services of premieres support since 2001. This service essentially differs in the fact that the main attention at communication with the customer is paid not to just traditional problem solving in IT structure of the company, and to their prevention.

Relationship of Microsoft with customers within the Premieres-support differs in individual approach to each client and long term. To the large organizations using solutions of Microsoft at the heart of the IT infrastructure, the company makes available to the highly qualified specialists having necessary examination and experience for the operational solution of the arising problems. These specialists act not as third-party consultants, and as the entrusted advisers for development and support of IT infrastructure who make the plan of use of high technologies according to business challenges of the company.

In the course of interaction there is also a training and consultation of IT specialists of the companies clients thanks to what the level of their competence and professionalism increases. It in turn allows them to solve independently a number of problems and questions and leads to the general growth of efficiency of use of high-tech solutions in business.

For the first time Microsoft offered the Russian customers support of the Premieres level in 2001. During this time its advantages estimated many large domestic organizations among which the Bank of Russia, Beeline, Lukoil, Sberbank of Russia, FTS, VTB, etc. Today the Premieres support service was selected for themselves by about 100 companies working in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Within all 10 years of the functioning of Premieres support of Microsoft annually increased the amount of the activity: the number of clients grew, a set of the provided services extended, income grew. Only for last 2009, the differing unstable financial situation, financial turnovers within the Premieres supports grew by 30%, and operating time of specialists of Microsoft allowed for consultations and a customer support exceeded 60,000 hours. All this demonstrates the importance of similar service for the Russian companies.

As showed survey results, at the time of agreement signature on providing Premieres support more than a half of clients (58%) the main reason of the choice call fast maintenance of IT infrastructure after failures. However already by the end of the first year of joint work this opinion is saved by 24% of participants. But nearly a half (49%) consider the Prime minister support as an effective opportunity "for increase in stability and increase in time of availability" their IT systems.

"Work of Microsoft within the Premieres supports is that her specialists attentively and in detail study business of the client and learn his requirements in terms of use of ICT. Afterwards on this basis they reveal possible risks and provide recommendations about adaptation and improvement of the existing IT system, – Dubovitsky Nikolay, the head of Premieres support in Russia explains. – Main principle of this service: Microsoft does not wait for emergence at the client of any technical failures. Our specialists are engaged in preventive identification and elimination of defects in work of IT infrastructure of customer company".