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CEC: system of verification of subscription lists

Developers: Russian Central Election Commission (Central Electoral Commission)
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2020
Branches: Government and social institutions

2020: The announcement of a system of verification of subscription lists from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

At the beginning of September, 2020 the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation announced system development for automatic authentication of subscription lists. The member of Central Election Commission Anton Lopatin told about this technology in official Telegram channel of Central Election Commission.

The Russian CEC tests now a hardware and software system which will check subscription lists in the automatic mode — he wrote.

By September 3, 2020 verification of subscription lists as it is specified in the methodology Russian CEC, is performed checking manually "by consecutive studying of all data which are contained in them".

Provided to the CEC a system for automatic verification of subscription lists

Anton Lopatin did not begin to disclose detailed information on the system of automated verification of subscription lists of candidates. The source in TsIKe told Kommersant that this development will hardly cancel involvement of handwriting experts:

The decision is made by the commission on the basis of the expert opinion. It is rather a speech about the additional tool for the commissions and experts — he explained.

According to the head of Moscow Election Committee Dmitry Reut, primary verification of signatures will be organized by the commission resolving an issue of registration. The working group where the electoral commission has the right to invite handwriting experts is for this purpose created, and their conclusions can become the basis for recognition of the signature false. By consideration of complaints of the commission has the right to involve handwriting experts too, but not those who worked in subordinate electoral commission.

The head of legal group of CPRF faction in the State Duma at elections Yury Sinelshchikov believes that the automatic system of verification of signatures theoretically could eliminate a subjective factor

Earlier in 2020 the Central Electoral Commission and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation made changes to the agreement on interaction which will allow to provide uniform approach to verification of subscription lists in support of promotion of candidates and to protect personal data of citizens.[1]
