AstroSoft advances the Clarity CPM system in the territory of Russia
16.04.10, 15:39, Msk
The AstroSoft company signed the agreement with the Canadian company Clarity Systems International according to which AstroSoft will advance the Clarity solution of Systems in the territory of Russia.
Clarity solutions belong to the class of CPM systems. The concept of CPM covers all range of tasks in the field of strategic and financial management by the company and includes modeling of strategy, a balanced scorecard, the process focused planning and functional and cost the analysis, budgeting and business planning, the consolidated management reporting and the analysis. In the territory of Russia Clarity is also offered by Manzana Group company.
Developments of all solution components of Clarity are conducted on the complete platform that provides close integration between them. All applications of Clarity are used the single interface, a single system of the description of data and administration system, uniform security settings. It allows to reduce the cost of maintenance of a system.
Clarity solutions are constructed on the basis of technologies of Microsoft. The logic and the interface of the products Clarity completely repeat Microsoft Office application of Excel.
Software products of Clarity are equipped with broad tool kit for drawing up plans and forecasts, conducting budgeting, creation of the corporate reporting, modeling and consolidation of data. They reliably close questions of management of budget processes, forecasting, planning, preparation of reports, consolidation of financial data and the analysis. Clients of the company are large and medium-sized enterprises of different fields of activity, including financial institutions, production structures, the energy companies, the state and non-profit organizations.