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Australia will spend $1.24 billion for 85 million doses of vaccine from COVID-19

Customers: The Ministry of Health and for aged Australia

Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: AstraZeneca

Project date: 2020/09

At the beginning of September, 2020 the prime minister of Australia Scott Morrison reported that Australia will receive the first batches of vaccine from COVID-19 in January, 2021. The Ministry of Health and for aged Australia concluded the bargain with CSL on production of two vaccines - one of them is received by AstraZeneca company and the University of Oxford, and another is developed in own laboratories CSL together with the University of Queensland. In general Australia is ready to pay $1.24 billion for 85 million doses of medicines from a coronavirus.

Australia intends to spend $1.24 billion for 85 million doses of vaccine from COVID-19

The Minister of Health of Australia Greg Hunt reported that the scientists heading development of both vaccines consider the products rather effective for ensuring "long-term protection". In January and February, 2021 CSL will deliver to Australia 3.8 million doses of vaccine of AstraZeneca which goes through the last stages of clinical trials in Great Britain, Brazil and South Africa. Candidate vaccine of AstraZeneca, AZD1222, is considered as the main applicant for superiority in a global race for creation of effective vaccine for fight against a virus.

The vaccine CSL should begin the second stage of clinical trials at the end of 2020, i.e. in the market it can appear not earlier, than in the middle of 2021. In Russia production of vaccine from AstraZeneca is going to be organized for R-Pharme.

The agreement was signed against the background of the joyful declaration of the authorities - in Australia record recession of number of new cases of COVID-19 is noted. On September 7, 2020 only 45 cases of infection were revealed. The most part from them is the share of the State of Victoria which became epicenter of the second wave and to which share about 75% from 26,320 cases and 90% from 762 cases of death fall. The State of Victoria prolonged drastic measures of self-isolation.[1]
