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Red Hat Marketplace

Developers: IBM, Red Hat
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2020
Branches: Internet services
Technology: Cloud Computing

2020: The announcement of Red Hat Marketplace - a marketplace for software started in a hybrid cloud

On September 9, 2020 IBM and Red Hat announced start of online store with the hybrid cloud software. By means of the directory under the name Red Hat Marketplace of the company can find, test, create and unroll corporate applications within hybrid IT infrastructure.

The senior vice president of cloud division of Red Hat Craig Muzilla called a new product "a new step in a hybrid cloud".

As the companies transfer the business to a digital format, they should be more flexible and quicker bring products to the market. For this purpose they need to implement a cloud and to use it — he noted.

IBM and Red Hat provided a marketplace for software, started in a hybrid cloud

Developers carried the following to number of advantages of Red Hat Marketplace:

  • an opportunity to find popular software in different categories;
  • receiving continued support;
  • access to products which are certified for work of Red Hat OpenShift and which are created using technology. It allows to start programs in OpenShift as though they were a cloud service. It means that they are delivered in finished form with such opportunities as automatic installation and updating, backup and recovery;
  • control of expenses and use of software unrolled in a hybrid cloud environment. At the expense of it the companies can see how employees use software, helping to reduce further the losses and financial risks connected with audit of software;
  • wide choice of price models. In a marketplace it is possible to place products, for example, with an hourly pay of use.

The senior director of Red Hat on technology partnership Lars Herrmann noted that thanks to support of Red Hat OpenShift users can "apply the built-in logic of management and optimize implementation processes".[1]
