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Jet Infosystems took over technical support for the complex of IT systems based on AIS OSAGO

Customers: Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA)

Product: PostgreSQL DBMS

Project date: 2020/01  - 2021/03

2021: Jet Infosystems provides technical support for AIS OSAGO IT infrastructure

On March 15, 2021, the Jet Infosystems company announced that it had taken over technical support for the IT infrastructure, which is the foundation of the updated CTP system.

The infrastructure complex, which can withstand strict requirements for reliability and security, was created by experts of the Jet Infosystem in 2020. Under the terms of a five-year contract with the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), the company solves all current issues related to the operation of equipment and infrastructure software, as well as advises the customer's team on the container management platform and open source solutions.

The CTP information system centrally collects, stores and processes information on compulsory auto insurance and provides car owners with the quality of insurance data. The IT system is built on container technologies, and the Red Hat OpenShift platform is used to manage containers. Directly catastrophic IT infrastructure is located in two data centers and built on Huawei computing equipment. More than a hundred million cases and primary documents are stored using the Hitachi Vantara object store. The protection of processed personal data in accordance with the requirements of the legislation is provided by a layered information security system using decisions of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

The support of the complex IT infrastructure of AIS OSAGO RSA was entrusted to the company "Jet Infosystems."

The Jet Infosystems service team supports network and computing infrastructures, including VMware virtualization, SAN, and Hitachi Vantara object storage - more than 100 pieces of hardware in total. Under the terms of the contract, company experts can process several thousand incidents per hour, eliminating problems and failures that interfere with the operation of PCA systems and personnel. Elimination of incidents for the most critical equipment and software does not exceed 4 hours.

"Service support of IT infrastructure by means of" Jet Infosystems "guarantees fault-tolerant operation of all key services, at the same time freeing PCA specialists from operational tasks. Thus, they can focus on the development of the IT ecosystem, "said Alexei Samoshin, director of information technology at the RSA. - The partner team has the necessary level of expertise to support IT solutions under AIS OSAGO and is perfectly familiar with our infrastructure. This combination is one of the important conditions for the uninterrupted operation of our system and its ability to process millions of auto insurance requests. "

Also engineers "the Information system Jett" give consulting support of RSA on single, most difficult cases concerning the platform of management of the containers Red Hat OpenShift and DBMS with PostgreSQL open source code.

"Our customers" IT systems are becoming increasingly high-tech year after year. Now containers and open-source solutions have firmly taken their place in them, which, in turn, complicate the architecture. Their use in the environment of large enterprises involves many "but," some of which lie in the field of operation. We understand the features of modern IT infrastructures, and take responsibility for their sustainable functioning, helping with the open-source container and software management platform, "said Andrei Geshel, head of the Jet Infosystems Service Center.

2020: How do I use open source DBMS in the most demanding enterprise environment? Successful experience of AIS OSAGO

with ON open initial the code attracts the economy of use and the ability to filigree it to the tasks of the business. Developers software also contribute to its popularity - this is their usual and favorite environment and therefore there are more and more such systems in the corporate IT landscape. However, such solutions often conflict with reliability requirements. Learn how to use Open Source databases PostgreSQL in your enterprise environment.

Open Source DBMS PostgreSQL can be finalized almost without restrictions, "sharpening" the solution for your needs

Database management systems (DBMS) remain an unchanged element of the IT ecosystem of modern companies. The de facto standard in this area is solutions from Oracle and Microsoft. These DBMSs are time-tested, have full support from the vendor, but are distinguished by expensive licenses.

Open Source DBMS provide development flexibility and free use. However, they lack manufacturer support and are rarely found in an enterprise environment. The use of ACT in the field of database management has already become a familiar practice for medium-sized businesses and this experience is quite applicable for large companies. For example, the popular Open Source DBMS PostgreSQL was chosen by such giants as Alibaba, Instagram, Skype, Sony, TripAdvisor and Yahoo. This DBMS can be finalized almost without restrictions, "sharpening" the solution for its own needs. If the company creates an application on a microservice architecture, then most likely we are talking about the use of PostgreSQL. Therefore, IT teams are faced with the challenge of ensuring the same level of reliability as when working with enterprise solutions, creating a stable configuration based on the ACT.

Reservation with all "but"

Working with PostgreSQL in an enterprise environment is reduced to two large-scale tasks. The first is to guarantee the fault tolerance of the DBMS, and it is solved by creating a cluster. But the PostgreSQL does not have the means to organize a High Availability cluster. Accordingly, you need to use third-party IT tools to do this. The second task associated with embedding PostgreSQL into a highly reliable IT environment is to ensure that this cluster is backed up. And this is also a challenge, because the capabilities of DBMS monitoring and backup are extremely limited. At the same time, time-tested enterprise backup systems mainly work only with a separate Postgres installation on a single server or the simplest active-standby configurations. They cannot guarantee the backup and recovery of clustered database configurations managed by the PostgreSQL cluster.

This non-trivial problem was solved by experts. " In the Information systems Jett project in which Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA) the company created IT Infrastructure for AIS, MTPL it was necessary to ensure the reliability of the solution to the full extent of corporate standards. It was necessary to design and implement a failover and disaster recovery solution based on two DPC with an RPO of one hour, and an RTO of less than two hours, and this also applies to backup processes. As a result, a set of failover clusters was created PostgreSQL with automated backup based on. Commvault

Architecture for Reliability

As soon as the developers of AIS OSAGO announced their requirements for the use of PostgreSQL, we began to work out a solution for organizing a high-availability cluster and redundancy. They considered a wide range of solutions, including Open Source, but with each new stage of the assessment, the search circle narrowed, "says Oleg Nedoseko, architect of the AIS OSAGO IT infrastructure project, expert at Jet Infosystems. - As a result, PostgreSQL chose Patroni software for clustering, and Commvault for backup with a wide out-of-the-box functionality that supports many applications. We needed a single solution for backing up virtual machines, operating systems, and applications. Commvault is a flexible IT tool that has created a unique agent to back up the cluster configuration of the Patroni+PostgreSQL. If we chose another solution, we would have to seriously finalize it, and this would affect the cost of the project and increase the risks.

The Commvault platform has been refined and integrated with the cluster configuration of PostgresSQL. This was a separate challenge for the project team, since the Patroni+PostgreSQL bundle does not have a "login" for deep compatibility with backup systems. And so that Commvault can work with the cluster when it switches to the backup node, Jet Infosystems experts created special scripts - they ensured integration.

Each site has backup media servers that duplicate each other. They share a common deduplication database and are connected to a disk array and tape library by separate channels. Commvault Management Servers - CommServ are deployed in cluster configuration on virtual machines at once in both data centers and operate in "primary" - "standby" mode. If the primary server fails or the entire data center is unavailable, backup management performs the backup server without having to manually restore the configuration.

One data center acts as the main, and the second as the reserve. If one media server fails, the second one immediately picks up the backup process. If the entire data center is lost, all processes after switching to the backup will continue in the second, including backup. Thus, the system provides full fault tolerance and disaster tolerance.

DBMS in balance sheet

The data factory and analyst of the new AIS OSAGO are implemented on the basis of PostgreSQL. This example proves that the use of open source DBMS is quite possible even in the most demanding enterprise environment, without any compromise with storage reliability or data availability. In the PCA, the PostgreSQL and Commvault solution provides database backups with a total size of about 50 TB. To do this, with the help of additional Patroni management tools, 10 clusters of PostgreSQL have been deployed. The system operates in disaster-tolerant and fault-tolerant mode, and this also applies to backup processes.

The possibilities for further increasing the capacity of the created recovery boiler are almost limitless. It will develop with the IT infrastructure as a whole. At the same time, the staff load remains low, because a single console is used to manage the backup of different elements of the infrastructure.

Even at the start of the project, we knew that the new CTP AIS will be built according to new IT standards - the system has a microservice architecture and uses the Open Source technology stack. At the same time, AIS is so important for the work of the insurance market that ensuring its high level of reliability and productivity has become the cornerstone of our project. Strict stability requirements often conflict with trend technologies, which include Open Source. And, admittedly, the combination of these two factors caused some concern. As a result, our partner worked out an IT solution that guarantees high fault tolerance. Now it withstands the load of processing PostgreSQL hundreds of gigabytes of data per hour, "said Alexei Samoshin, IT Director of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.