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2020/09/23 15:07:22

Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) for 2020 - one of widespread infections on Earth.


Features of an infection

Helikobakter represents a gram-negative bacterium of a spiral form from a zhgutikama. The bacterial cage is surrounded with a gel layer - a glikokaliks who protects it from influence of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Helikobakter is sensitive to action of high temperatures, but is long remains in the wet environment.

As of 2020, this bacterium was transferred from pathogenic to discharge opportunistic what means that this bacterium is present at moderate quantities in a healthy human body and only under certain conditions when its quantity sharply increases, begins to bring discomfort to the[1]. 90% of carriers of this bacterium do not test any negative symptoms.

There are researches which prove that the bacterium of Helicobacter pylori protects us from some types of cancer.

We stand at the origins of understanding of how the human microbiome works. But many scientists compare it to a difficult ecosystem of the tropical jungle where a huge number of plants and animals are in a status of permanent confrontation, but at the same time in balance. And as soon as this balance is broken, problems begin.

H.pylori has capability to colonization and a persistirovaniye in a mucous membrane of a stomach. Enzymes (urease, a phospholipase, protease and gamma GT), the zhgutiki, cytotoxin A (VacA), a haemo lysine (RibA), proteins of thermal shock and lipopolisakharid belong to pathogenic factors. The bacterial phospholipase damages a membrane of epiteliotsit, the microorganism is attached to a surface of an epithelium and gets into cages. Under the influence of urease and other factors of pathogenicity the mucous membrane is injured, inflammatory reactions and formation of tsitokin, radicals of oxygen, nitrogen oxide amplify. Lipopolisakharidny antigen has structural similarity to antigens of blood types (according to the Lewis system) and cages of a gastric epithelium of the person, products are as a result possible autoantitet to an epithelium of a mucous membrane of a stomach and development of atrophic autoimmune gastritis. The superficial arrangement of urease allows to escape action of antibodies: the complex urease antibody at once separates from a surface.

Gain of perekisny oxidation of lipids and increase in concentration of free radicals increases carcinogenesis probability, i.e. development of an oncological disease.

Obsemeneniye of a mucous membrane of a stomach of H.pylori is followed by development of superficial antralny gastritis and the duodenit, leads to increase in level of a gastrin and decrease in development of a somatostatin with the subsequent gain of secretion of hydrochloric acid. Excess amount of hydrochloric acid, getting to a duodenum gleam, leads to progressing of the duodenit and development of a gastric metaplaziya that creates conditions for H.pylori settling.

Further, especially with additional risk factors (hereditary predisposition, the I blood type, smoking, acceptance of ultserogenny medicines, frequent stresses, alimentary errors), in sections of a meta-plazirovannoy mucous membrane the ulcer defect forms.


Infection of Helicobacter pylori occurs food, fecal and oral, household in the ways.

In a stomach of an ice mummy of the Tyrolean person who died more than five thousand years ago the genetic analysis identified Helicobacter pylori.

Associated diseases

Gastritis and stomach ulcer

Damage of a mucous membrane of a stomach is caused by direct injury by its microorganism and also secondary injury of a mucous membrane of a stomach, duodenum and a kardialny part of a gullet under the influence of H.pylori aggression factors.

Such diseases as are associated with Helicobacter pylori infection for 2020:

  • chronic gastritis,
  • stomach ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstny gut.

The factors responsible for development of not ulcer dyspepsia or GERB in the H.pylori-infected patients, consider violation of gastric motility, secretion, increase in visceral sensitivity and permeability of a cellular barrier of a mucous membrane and also release of tsitokin as a result of its inflammatory changes. Liquidation of H. pylori at patients with stomach ulcer allows to stop acceptance of antisekretorny medicines.

Stomach cancer

In 1995. International association on studying of cancer (IARC) of H.pylori it is recognized as absolute carcinogen and defined as the most important reason of malignant new growths of a stomach at the person (MALToma - Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue lymphoma, an adenocarcinoma). When carrying out epidemiological researches more frequent contamination of H.pylori at patients with not ulcer dyspepsia and a gastroezofagealny reflux disease (GERB), than without them is revealed.

Also the asymptomatic form of an infection is possible.

There are data that Helicobacter pylori can be the cause of defeat of vessels of heart and brain.

Tests on a helikobakter

Blood test on antibodies to Helicobacter pylori

Determination method: Immunoanalysis Studied material: Blood serum

The circulating antibodies are usually provided by class IgG immunoglobulins.

Class IgG antibodies

Antibodies of the class IgG there is confirming contamination of Helicobacter pylori. These antibodies begin to be developed in 3-4 weeks after infection. High credits of antibodies to H.pylori remain to and some time after liquidation of a microorganism.

IgM antibodies

Antibodies of IgM of a class come to light seldom, their presence can indicate an early infection of Helicobacter pylori.

Testing for IgM of an antibody is recommended to be held in a complex with the research IgG and IGA of antibodies.

Antibodies of IGA

System the answer is usually less expressed to IGA, but can indicate stronger local inflammation. In rare instances at the infected person only IgA the answer can be observed.

Determination limits: 12.5 otn. piece/ml – 100 otn. piece/ml


Risks of treatment by antibiotics

In a case to helicobacter pylori there is a following, this bacterium fastens to an epithelium of our stomach and begins to destroy mutsin contained in slime, through selection of enzyme of a mutsinaz.

And for example, after acceptance of antibiotics, useful bacteria which controlled quantity of helicobacter pylori decreased that gave space for its reproduction. In an effect, the mucous membrane loses an opportunity to protect stomach walls from hydrochloric acid, there is their ulceration and also development of protective slime due to damage of glands decreases.

The injured mucous membrane of a stomach has the enhanced absorbability that leads to intoxication of all organism.

Antagonists helikobakter

The most important begin to occupy a GIT antagonists of helicobacter pylori, them are:

  • saccharomyces boulardii,
  • lactobacillus reuteri,
  • bacillus subtilis.

Add prebiotics which our useful bacteria eat to the diet and select korotkotsepochechny fatty acids, and they in turn promote healing of a mucous membrane of a GIT.

For additional support of an organism a probiotics and metabiotics (waste products of useful bacteria), it is desirable to begin to cook for himself home-made yogurt and to get a tea mushroom and also there are any fermented products:

  • sauerkraut,
  • kimchi,
  • natto,
  • speed, etc.

Essential oils which proved as excellent antibacterial and resolvents long ago.

Oils with the proved efficiency against a helikobakter:

  • oil of an oregano,
  • oil of mint,
  • oil of seeds of carrot,
  • extract of seeds of grapefruit.

Mastic pitch

Vitamin C


Helikobakter on a miscellaneous affects acidity of a stomach, some strains raise, others reduce therefore in case of the increased acidity, it is worth treating more accurately products it raising.