Hiroaki Kurokawa held a post of the president and chief executive of Fujitsu since June, 2003. Before he was the executive vice president of the same corporation.
Kurokawa joined Fujitsu in far 1967, right after the termination of the University of Tokyo on legal specialty. Since that moment it began to make the contribution to development and formation of corporation. Hiroyaki's career began with a position of the ordinary system engineer. Belonged to its duties development of systems and new solutions in the field of the chemical and processing industries. In 80th and 90th Kurokawa held different posts in group of system engineers, playing a major role in developments and opening of Fujitsu in the field of the software and services industry. In particular, Hiroaki developed programs of a professional training for employees of group and also participated in process of structure formation of management for projects of integration of the big systems.
In the 99th grown wise wealth of experience in the area, Hiroaki becomes the board member and the president of Software & Services Business Promotion Group. After a while he is already the president of groups of Network service and System support. On these posts Kurokawa becomes the main thing acting with the face in development of network services and external relations of Fujitsu. Activity Hiroaki Kurokawa bears fruit: Fujitsu is the world's third service provider in information technology field.