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At the airport of Helsinki there were dogs who are sniffing up the infected COVID-19 with an accuracy of "nearly 100%"

Customers: Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema (Helsinki-Vantaa Airport)

Helsinki; Transport

Contractors: Helsinki university

Project date: 2020/09

At the end of September, 2020 it became known that at the airport of Helsinki there were specially trained dogs for detection of people who are COVID-19 coronavirus carriers. The Finnish researchers claim that the accuracy of determination is "nearly 100%".

According to the project manager who is carried out by the University of Helsinki, Anna Hilm-Byyorkman, the dog can define presence of a coronavirus in a human body within ten seconds, in general check takes less than a minute.

It is very promising project, - Hilm-Byyorkman notes.

She explained if the plan is successful, then the similar method of check can be implemented also in other places, including in hospitals, nursing homes and also on sporting and cultural events.

At the airport of Helsinki there were dogs who are sniffing up the "nearly 100%" infected with a coronavirus with an accuracy

After baggage claim of the passengers of the international runs arriving to the airport of Helsinki ask to wipe a neck with a napkin. To an animal suggest to smell several napkins - as a rule, the dog begins to bark at detection of a sample with existence of COVID-19, at the same time she can point to a napkin of the infected person by a claw or accept lying provision. After this procedure, the passenger is recommended to pass a test for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using dab from a nose that eventually will confirm the assumptions detected using chetverolapy assistants.

According to the The Guardian newspaper, within preliminary university tests where dogs who were used for detection of such diseases earlier took part as cancer and diabetes, a coronavirus managed to be detected with an accuracy nearly 100%. Moreover, animals define presence of a virus even how the patient has first symptoms.

Researchers are not sure that allows dogs to detect a virus successfully. Nevertheless, the French scientists came to a conclusion that the sweat smell at the infected COVID-19 differs from a smell of sweat of not infected people. There are assumptions that animals react to these differences.[1]
