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Physicians began to use reactive satchels quickly to reach the remote areas

Customers: Great North (GNAAS)

Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Gravity Industries

Project date: 2020/09

At the end of September, 2020 the Gravity Industries company in cooperation with the English service of emergency medical service Great North (GNAAS) provided a reactive satchel for the physicians working in the remote areas. Though in certain cases the help the drones, for example, delivering can offer external defibrillators, nothing can replace the professional physician on site of incident.

The service of the help GNAAS works in the areas deleted from the city centers where people often go hiking, but these hilly, stony areas are almost unavailable to cars and to landing of helicopters. To provide the emergency help, the GNAAS organization called for Gravity Industries cooperation, the company which develops reactive suits. Together they began to test application of reactive satchels by paramedics and medics of service of emergency aid. Developers consider that at this technology high potential.

The British physicians began to use reactive satchels quickly to reach the remote areas

In the first experiment the "struck" people were approximately 25 minutes walk up the hill. Using a reactive suit, the paramedic could reach them less than in two minutes, having easily landed on a stony surface. The used reactive suit has five turbines which develop more than 1000 horsepowers. It allows to gather the speed of 85 miles per hour (137 km/h) and eats from reactive fuel or diesel fuel.

The operating officer and the paramedic of GNAAS Andy Mawson noted that exercises proved the huge potential of use of reactive suits for emergency aid. According to data retrieveds, the emergency doctor dressed in a suit is capable to rise by height of 3117 feet (950 m) of Helvellin, the third highest mountain of England, in only eight minutes. If the rescuer went on foot, on rise and search of victims he would need not less than an hour.[1]
