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SK Hynix DDR5

Developers: SK Hynix
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2020
Branches: Electrical equipment and microelectronics

2020: Start of production of RAM of DDR5

On October 6, 2020 SK Hynix announced start of serial production as the company claims, the first-ever RAM of DDR5. New products are intended for work with Big Data, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

According to developers, memory of DDR5 provides data transfer rate within 4800-5600 Mbps that is 1.8 times more, than at DDR4. Such parameters as the producer claims, allow to transfer nine movies to Full HD with an amount of 5 Gbytes everyone in 1 second.

Production of RAM of DDR5 began, it is twice faster than the predecessor

According to the press release, the operating voltage of memory is 1.1 V against 1.2 V at DDR4 that provides reduction of energy consumption for 20%.

In DDR5 chips of SK Hynix company error correction function (ECC, Error Correcting Code) which, by estimates of developers, increases reliability of operation of applications by 20 times is implemented. Chips of DDR5 DRAM can be grouped with the maximum density by means of TSV technology that allows to receive modules of memory with a capacity up to 256 Gbytes.

First DDR5 DRAM will get into a server segment. SK Hynix notes that memory of new generation will allow to reduce significantly energy consumption and cost of ownership of data centers at simultaneous increase in reliability and performance.

According to the The Korea Herald edition with reference to the forecast of Omdia analytical company, demand for DDR5 will show significant growth in 2021, to the 2022nd new "RAM" will occupy 10% of the market, and to the 2024th this indicator will grow to 4%.

SK Hynix stated that it closely cooperates with the global partners, including Intel, for start of solution DDR5. The South Korean vendor tested new memory together with leading manufacturers of chips for check of its functions.[1]
