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Record-breaking easy notebook, the monitor with the camera and other new products of 2020: the most interesting developments of Lenovo

12.10.20, 14:02, Msk

Lately the Lenovo corporation managed to show to the world a number of new products from the most various categories. Except monitors for "distantsionka" and laptops with the minimum weight, she also announced (and after — presented at the market) flagman smartphones and the smartwatch.

"Harvest" of new gadgets of Lenovo pleasantly surprises potential users. It is noticeable that the Chinese producer pursues not only quantity, but also quality of developments.

What devices shown to public in 2020 deserve more attention?


The monitor with the built-in camera

At the end of the third quarter 2020 representatives of Lenovo company shared information on active work on production of the 27-inch monitor intended for "distantsionka". During the announcement information on technical characteristics and opportunities of the device which will help to organize process of distance learning or work was published.

The built-in camera with high resolution became a highlight of the T27hv-20 monitor. She also allows to use a device for carrying out:

  • negotiations online,
  • presentations and conferences,
  • lectures and seminars,
  • individual consultations.

Thanks to a narrow framework, the monitor is suitable for use in multimonitor configurations, and the USB-C port allows to connect it to the portable PC using only one cable.

The announced display will be available for sale only in January, 2021. However those users who already need the equipment for remote work can pick up any other suitable monitor of Lenovo in online store.

Flexible laptop

One more recently provided development of Lenovo — Thinkpad X1 Fold. It is easy to guess from the name that a counter of this portable PC — the trend flexible body.

In spite of the fact that visually the device similar to the tablet, producer positions it as the laptop. It brings such characteristics into confirmation as:

  • compatibility with the physical keyboard,
  • full-scale 13-inch OLED screen,
  • central processor Intel Lakefield,
  • the built-in tverdotelnik on 1 Tb.

The portable X1 Fold PC "will rush" on the European market already in the nearest future.

The notebook which weighs little

In 2020 it was presented, belonging to the Sinkpad family, the notebook with record-breaking low weight. Together with the accumulator it weighs only 902 grams, but at the same time shows tremendous indicators of productivity.

Engineers of Lenovo managed to reduce the mass of ThinkPad X1 Nano due to use of the easy body from carbon fiber and magnesium alloy and also the ultramodern hardware.

In the thin body the producer implemented the accumulator with high power consumption. It means that the notebook will please potential users with top autonomy.

Flagman mobile device

It was succeeded to surprise fans of Lenovo company by means of the extraordinary mobile phone which received the name Legion Duel. This gadget got powerful "stuffing". Existence in a configuration of two power-intensive batteries became at once its feature.

What is characteristic, ports of accumulator charging in construction of phone two too. Power of the memory which is included in the basic delivery is 65 W. However it is possible to use for connection to network also BP on 90 W.

Also in 2020 the brand of Lenovo pleased the fans with release of the Smartwatch with the democratic price label and many others attractive as visually, and in the technical plan, developments.