Developers: | Line |
Branches: | Science and education |
Content |
"Dialogue-M" is portable option of a language laboratory with a full range of functions. The ideal solution for educational institutions which have no opportunity to purchase or set a stationary office. The Dialogue-M model is compact and can be mounted just before the beginning of occupation. Installation requires no additional skills, the pupil will even cope with this task. The software which will allow you to manage an office using the personal computer is included in the delivery.
Possibilities of a language laboratory of "Dialogue-M"
The language laboratory provides:
- broadcast of one of four signal sources on everything (to 16) student places of a language class (General mode);
- broadcasting at the same time two signal sources on the class halved on all student places of a language laboratory (The General — Separated mode);
- broadcasting at the same time two signal sources on all student places of a language class depending on to what channel the workplace of the student (Programmable mode) is connected;
- switching of jobs in groups on two student places (the predeterminated groups - the Pair mode, casual groups - the Accidental Pairs mode, pairs for choice the Programmable mode);
- connectivity of the teacher to any workplace for control of the student ("Listening") or for correction of its work ("Dialog");
- record of work of any student on the tape recorder which is on a desktop of the teacher;
- possibility of copying of educational audioprograms on the teacher's panel;
- pronunciation of the studied material by pupils with self-listening;
- listening of the educational audioprogram from tape recorders on a table of the teacher or from an external signal source;
- display of the current mode of switching on the four-lower case matrix liquid crystal indicator.
Operation modes of a mobile language laboratory of "Dialogue-M"
This language laboratory works in 6 modes. The name of the current mode is reflected in top line of the indicator.
In this mode all students are connected to one input channel. When choosing this mode on the indicator in top line the text Regime the General will appear. The teacher can will be connected to any student for control and correction of its work.
"The general - separated"
In this mode the class is divided in half into two groups. In the first group the students taking odd student places enter the second - even. Both groups work in the "general" mode, but on odd student places the signal from channel A, and on even - from channel B arrives. When choosing this mode on the indicator the text "The mode the General section will appear." The teacher can be connected to any student, having pressed the corresponding button with number of student place.
"Pair 1-2"
In this mode students conduct dialogue among themselves. The teacher can be connected to any pair, having selected any pupil entering into required group. Pairs in a language laboratory of "Dialogue-M" form from the neighboring places, i.e. 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 and so on up to 15+16. When choosing this mode on the screen the text "the Mode of Pair (1-2, 3-4)" will appear.
"Pair 1-3"
In this mode of pair form by the principle "through one": 1+3, 2+4, 5+7...14+16. When choosing this mode on the screen the text "the Mode of Pair (1-3, 2-4)" will appear.
"Accidental pairs"
It is the pair mode where pairs form under the accidental law, but within the first and second eight of students ("the principle of the eights"). For example, the first student can be connected to any student from group of the pupils taking places 2-8, and student No. 9 - to any student from group 10-16. Thus, the student with number no more than 8 can be attached to the student also with number which is not exceeding 8 (i.e. from the first eight), and, respectively, the student with number more than 8 can be attached to the student from the second eight. At the repeated choice of this mode emergence of identical pairs created in the previous time is not allowed. Upon transition to this mode on the indicator the text "Sluch Mode .pair" will appear.
In this operation mode of a language laboratory of "Dialogue-M" it is possible to change randomly the channel to which the pupil is connected and also to create couples of pupils, considering the principle of "eights". The pupil with number no more than 8 can be connected to any pupil z this "eight" (i.e. it is impossible to create pair from two pupils with numbers 1 and 14). All changes remain in memory of the panel of the teacher including at power supply switching off. When choosing this mode on the indicator in top line the text "the Programmir Mode will appear."
Complete set of a mobile language laboratory of "Dialogue-M"
- the teacher's panel – 1 piece;
- cables for connection of tape recorders – 3 pieces.
- the block of connection of two pupils – 8 pieces;
- the telephone and microphone M-780HV headset – 17 pieces (16 student's and 1 teachers).
- set of connection cables - 8 pieces.
- the software for management of an office using the computer - 1 CD
Software Dialog
Purchasing a language laboratory "DIALOG", you receive the software developed by specialists of LINE company for management of mobile (portable) linrgafonny offices of "DIALOGUE-M" by means of the computer (the computer is not included in the delivery). Thus, the teacher will be able to manage an office, using a panel with buttons and obtaining information on operation modes on the LCD display, or to control work of a class by means of the interface of the program.
The software is established on the computer of the teacher and allows to integrate only one mouse click students in pairs, groups, to be connected for the hidden listening or discussion with the student of the current task. The program works in any of operating systems: Windows 9x, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003.
The program opens additional opportunities - such as creation of a class, maintaining the magazine of attendance and exposure of estimates.
All students in a class are reflected in the monitor of a kopyyuter of the teacher special graphic icons with indication of surnames of pupils. During the work in groups, the color is appropriated to each of them. The pupils who are absent on occupation are designated by inactive gray icons for an exception of a possibility of wrong inclusion of such students in groups, pair, etc.
The software Dialog allows:
- manage operation modes of the panel of the teacher, the choice of listening or dialog with pupils, record of pupils;
- save the current document in the separate file;
- to quickly change the sizes and provision of jobs of pupils in an editing mode by means of a mouse;
- set new connections (listening by the pupil of channel A or B, work in pair) in the Programmable mode, preserving them in the file and loading of connections from in advance saved file;
- (write the speech of pupils on the hard drive of the computer of the teacher;
- enter and change surnames of pupils and the teacher in the current document;
- enter additional graphic elements for descriptive reasons of class view;
- keep statistics of visit of occupations, browse it and put down marks to pupils;
- configure the interface of the program for the specific user;
- configure appearance of the toolbars and the menu at the request of the user.