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Quorum. Message broker

Developers: Quorum
Last Release Date: 2020/10/20
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: Informatization of state functions

2020: Release of the version supporting different schemes of information exchange, for example, such as 440-P

On October 20, 2020 the Kvorum company announced release of the next version of the Message broker software product intended for exchange of not payment information between credit institution and federal executive authorities on channels of the Bank of Russia. The solution allows to support at the same time different schemes of information exchange, for example, such as: 440-P – request processing and resolutions of the Federal Tax Service; 311-P – transfer of data on opening, closing of accounts or change of customer account details; 655-P – transfer of data to Federal Service for Financial Monitoring; 390-P – request processing and resolutions of the Federal Customs Service; 4512-U – transfer of information by authorized banks to bodies of currency exchange control and others. In the next version the functionality of report generation and also functionality of mailing to users of notifications on the events which are taking place in a system is expanded.

Key advantage of the solution is the connectivity of new schemes or change of structure and an order of message handling within the schemes of interaction configured earlier without completion of a program code therefore this version does not require completions in connection with changes of the legislation, in particular, in connection with recently announced changes in the message formats of the type of interaction which is most demanded in banks with the Federal Tax Service for sending information on opening, closing of accounts or change of account details and also for data exchange according to requirements of Provision of Bank of Russia No. 440-P, namely in connection with changes according to the Order of FTS of May 28, 2020 N ED-7-14/354 @ with date of commissioning on January 6, 2021 and also the Order of FTS of May 28, 2020 N MMB-7-2/679 @ which becomes effective since October 10, 2020 and the Order of FTS of May 28, 2020 N MMB-7-2/520 @, in edition of September 11, 2020 which becomes effective since March 16, 2021.

According to the listed above regulating documents formats of the existing messages change and also electronic messages are added. Change of the message formats and also input of electronic messages demands from Bank not only completion of systems which directly create these electronic messages, but also systems which are intended for postprocessing of these messages, monitoring systems behind electronic messages and also reporting systems. In the module "Message broker" all processing procedures created in the systems of a message store are unified, flexibly adapt to a specific type of interaction that as a result allows not to spend resources for completion in connection with change of formats. Processing of the entering and outgoing messages is based on the basis of a set of the configured scenarios in which the specifics of information exchange with different executive authorities are considered.

"Message broker" is the multiuser application which can function on platforms DBMS Oracle and Postgres Pro. Access for users to functions of a system is provided according to a role model which can be configured according to the internal regulations adopted in specific bank. [1]
