Customers: Coobic Contractors: Enn Ess Trades Project date: 2020/10
At the end of October, 2020 Coobic announced the conclusion of the distribution agreement with the Indian company Enn Ess Trades. Within this agreement products of the Russian producer will be available in India.
It is about the smart columns Coobic intended for children aged from 3 up to 10 years. The device works till 5 o'clock without recharge, is equipped with the NFC module and is connected to Wi-Fi for downloading of content.
At the first stage Coobic will deliver in New Delhi 500 columns and about 20 thousand cards with educational and entertaining content, further the quantity of the exported products will grow. Enn Ess Trades intends to implement goods of the partner on the eve of a national holiday of the Diwali, Christmas and New year. Prepayment already came to 30% into the Russian account of the company.
In case of success and high demand on the smart columns Coobic can place local production of devices in India that it is quicker more convenient to scale business and to accelerate deliveries of products. For the solution of this task the Russian representative office is seriously configured to automate production, having strongly simplified the number of handwork (from several tens to 3-5 transactions). Under opening of new production in India the company is going to attract new investments.
In 2019-2020 Coobic carried out two rounds of investments, total amount which it made 17.5 million rubles. From the final attracted round the volume of business of a startup increased by 8 times, it reached self-sufficiency, declared in the company.
In addition to smart columns, Coobic makes and adapts educational and entertaining content for children. By the end of October, 2020 on the website Coobic well to more than 30 training courses, fairy tales and games, the general time of sounding of content loaded on the device exceeds 35 hours.