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The Japanese pharmgigant began to use the AI platform of the Russian company for search of drugs for age diseases

Customers: Taisho Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Insilico Medicine

Project date: 2020/10

At the end of October, 2020 the Japanese pharmaceutical company Taisho Pharmaceutical began to use the AI platform of the Russian company Insilico Medicine for search of drugs. Using the Pandomics Discovery Platform platform, the companies intend to find together the senolitiki - agents who selectively cause apoptosis (the programmed death of cages) among cages which are connected with aging and age diseases.

The growing old cages collect at different chronic diseases of any age, such as obesity, chronic disease of kidneys, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration and cancer. According to sources, even a small amount of the growing old cages (10-15%) is enough to cause fabric dysfunction. According to Ivan Ozerov, the head of department of bioinformation science of Insilico, aging is an unstoppable process, but new scientific data show that it is quite possible to turn a number of its negative effects back, including due to removal of the growing old cages.

The Japanese pharmgigant began to use the AI platform of the Russian company Insilico Medicine for search of drugs for age diseases

The main role of Insilico consists in search and creation of different molecules, potential future drugs, at early stages of researches. Taisho Pharmaceutical intends to check results of different experiments of in vitro and in vivo. As a result of Taisho Pharmaceutical will acquire the right of a joint property with Insilico company for all successfully developed programs.

The founder and the CEO of Insilico Alexander Zhavoronkov said that "cooperation with Taisho - a great honor as this firm is included into TOP 100 of the pharmaceutical companies of the world. The high level of training of scientists, success in use of the Pandomics platform for search of new targets and active molecules against fibrosis and also experience of development of senolitik give to us hope for success".[1]
