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The supplier of digital safes of selected the entrusted cloud of Orange Business Services from Europe


Paris; Information technologies

Product: Flexible Engine
На базе: OpenStack

Project date: 2020/03  - 2020/09

2020: Placement of services in the entrusted cloud, the European publisher of digital solutions of security and the software, announced contract signature on placement of the services of electronic archiving and virtualization in Flexible Engine — the entrusted cloud of Orange Business Services. It became known on October 30, 2020. selected this IaaS (infrastructure as service) the solution managed by Orange Business Services thanks to security accreditations, the innovation functions and an opportunity to replicate crucial data, having made them available to different regions.

The key player in the European industry of virtualization and digital archiving, for the end of October, 2020 manages more than 10 million digital safes in which pay-sheets and invoices are stored. The companies from different sectors, including bank, technology and other strictly regulated sectors work with the publisher.

Aiming to provide good guarantees of integrity of data and their traceability, made the decision to place the solutions in the European jurisdiction to protect the users and also to take advantage of examination of Orange Business Services in the field of cyber security and data services.

The solution is scalable, it regularly has additional functions simplifying work with the last innovations in the field of Big Data and artificial intelligence that gives the chance of to offer different services to the clients., working in Benelux countries with the solutions deployed in 27 states, will be able to support growth of the international transactions thanks to scalability, the provided Flexible Engine, and the international presence of Orange Business Services.