Intel will spend 200 million dollars for "clouds"
04.05.10, 12:37, Msk
Intel intends to enclose to 200 million dollars in development of cloud computing technologies within the next two years. The first tranche of investments is intended to Virtustream company which is engaged in development of own "cloud" platform.
The Intel company intends to invest in Cloud computing and mobile technologies of 200 million dollars within the next two years, the representative of the company said. According to the vice president of Intel Capital investment fund Keith Larson, this money will be invested in know-how which will allow to use the PC and mobile devices with a bigger advantage.
According to Larsen, there is great variety of the fresh ideas in the field of mobile and "cloud" technologies already now. And the interest in the first will be constantly maintained by desire of consumers to have Internet access and to Internet-applications in any place day and night that can lead to development of essentially new types of devices. In addition Intel sounded interest in "green" technologies, application of IT in medicine and bioinformation science: in these areas computer solutions can lead to these breaks in the solution of significant problems, consider in the company.
The first investment tranche of Intel Capital in the amount of $15 million will be directed to financing of the oldest medical portal of the USA to, the portal of the real estate SmartZip Analytics and provider of "cloud" infrastructure Virtustream.
The specific amount of investments into each project separately is not disclosed. These investments will allow the company to hold a hand "on pulse" new technologies, Larsen says. As for Virtustream, here means will be spent for further development of the "hybrid industrial "cloud" XStream platform" developed by the company. According to developers, it is intended for carrying out the guaranteed resource calculations in different operating environments.
"In general the cloud computing direction develops extremely high rates. We have a big interest in development of such technologies", - Larsen said. Let's remind that, having shown interest in "clouds", Intel became in one row with other world IT giant which already announced million investments into this sphere. So, recently also VMware started joint "cloud". Fujitsu announced investments into "clouds" in the amount of half a billion dollars. Microsoft announced fast transfer of the line Dynamics to a cloud and also intention to arrange Google in a "cloud" race. Took the interesting initiative IBM as well SAP.