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Professional Machine Learning Engineer (certificate of Google)

Developers: Google
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2020.
Branches: Science and education

2020: Google started the certificate of the specialist in machine learning

In the middle of November, 2020 Google began to carry out certification of specialists in Professional Machine Learning Engineer. Certification confirms experience of specialists in cloud computing in the field of development, creations and implementations of models of machine learning for the solution of business challenges using Google Cloud technologies.

According to in corporations, search of employees with necessary skills of machine learning became one of priority tasks of IT heads in 2020. The deficit of specialists which arose during a pandemic seriously influenced offers of the companies. Cloud Ace, Datatonic, Deloitte Consulting, Devoteam, Pandera Systems, Pythian Services and Quantiphi are among more than 50 partners of Google Cloud whose employees already received the new certificate of the engineer on machine learning.

Google began to carry out certification of specialists in machine learning

According to the report of Google, in 2021 AI and machine learning specialists will have nearly the highest average initial salary among careless IT positions in the USA. At certification examination of Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer great attention is given to engineering solutions in the field of machine learning. Beginners should code on Python and SQL, to study TensorFlow 2.x and its ecosystem and also methods of implementation of TensorFlow 2 on a cloud platform of Google in the production environment.

The certificate of the specialist in machine learning of Google Cloud Professional guarantees that your candidate understands in the field of machine learning on the Google Cloud platform, in particular, is capable to develop solutions taking into account advanced methods of machine learning and to use the GCP tools for interpretation of forecasts of model, - the specialist in data of Datatonic company who received already the certificate noted. - It is especially relevant for future projects.[1]
