Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Was born on March 11, 1970.


1994: SGTU

In 1994 graduated from the Saratov state technical university. Specialty - economy and management in mechanical engineering.

1995: Additional professional education

In 1995 "Security market" with obtaining the state certificate of the first category on the performing transactions right in security market", the Saratov stock exchange ended a rate.


1999: Sberbank

From 3/1/1999 to 10/13/2000 - the head of the operations department of Factory department No. 6976 Sberbank of the Russian Federation Saratov.

2000: CB Petrocommerce

From 10/16/2000 to 11/20/2000 - the head of department of the summary reporting, analysis and planning of CB Petrocommerce branch of JSC in Saratov.

From 11/20/2000 to 8/4/2005 - the head of the operations department of CB Petrocommerce branch of JSC in Saratov.

2005: Vice chairman of the board Gazneftbank

Since 8/4/2005 - the Vice chairman of the board of JSC Gazneftbank.