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Makfa (1C: Document Flow 8 CORP)

Customers: Makfa

Chelyabinsk; Food industry

Product: 1C: Document Flow 8 CORP
На базе: 1C: Document Flow 8

Project date: 2018/06  - 2019/12
Number of licenses: 324


The 1C: Document Flow CORP 8 program became an optimal solution for Makfa company. Its implementation allowed to automate the following functions:

  • internal document flow;
  • accounting of all data by projects (for example, documents, processes, tasks);
  • scanning and barcoding of documents;
  • accounting, control and analysis of terms, cycles, success of execution of tasks;
  • calls accounting of citizens;
  • preparation of internal, external and hospitality events;
  • accounting and planning of working time.

Integration "1C: Document Flow" with the main accounting system – "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" is carried out.

What provided opportunities:

  • creation of instructions, change and accomplishment of tasks of "1C: Document Flow 8";
  • viewing history of accomplishment of tasks and processes;
  • start and work with business processes;
  • creation and storage of files of any types and work with them;
  • viewing, creation, editing and sending the e-mails (entering, proceeding);
  • approval of the documents "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management";
  • viewing and adding of communications between documents of "1C: Document Flow 8";
  • work with daily reports on a time recording. Adding of the actual labor costs in daily reports from these "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management"