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TsDS group (BioSmart PV‑WTC Terminal)

Customers: TsDS group

Contractors: ProSoft Biometrics
Product: BioSmart PV‑WTC Terminal
Second product: Biosmart Studio

Project date: 2017/01  - 2017/06

The project objective was to organize a strict time recording of employees on construction of a large object. By the beginning of works in places of pass of personnel install BioSmart PV-WTC WTC terminals, and biometric employee identifiers load into the database of a system. Initially devices contact the server using the mobile Internet, further — using wire channels of communication. Mobile communication at the same time remains as an alternative channel therefore even in case of power outage on an object the ACS and the URV system continue to function. During construction a system less than in a second will unmistakably recognize the specific person among several thousand other employees in the database.

With the end of construction works a system is quickly dismantled and transferred to other object. In total for the period about 40 devices for biometric identification were delivered to project implementation on building sites of the TsDS Group. As a result of the relation of Group, employees and subcontract organizations of steel extremely transparent.

By the customer's estimates, system implementation paid off less than in a month.