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Баннер в шапке 2
2010/05/14 15:46:21

Whether CRM is necessary to you? Carrot for toothless …

Why some companies use CRM systems several years and are scary happy, and others refuse them through short time, filling up statistics of "unsuccessful CRM projects"?

Two most widespread answers to this question on the Internet:

  • "CRM is the next term untwisted by marketing specialists behind which there is nothing new."
  • "CRM is not the program, but the whole business ideology which should be like, and you did not like!"

Let's try to understand an essence and the background … Let's remember what in general the business computerization began with. From automation of routine accounting tasks. Accounting, warehouse, salary and personnel, etc. I do not say that all this was simpler, than CRM … It was, more clear! The automation object was more clear! At implementation of the Accounting program in the accounting nothing changed! The chart of accounts remained the same, the reporting in tax and did not depend on that, there is some computer program, or all this is considered on the calculator and is typed. Implementation of the computer program, "Salary and the Personnel", changed nothing in calculation of salaries, and price-work and bonus charges. Though implement the program though on accounts consider! An inventory control too, both was, and remained … All this was implemented and implemented only in order that already existing tasks to solve quicker and cheaper! The most interesting that it is NORMALNOYE purpose of ANY SOFTWARE - to automate that EST!

Small retreat … When I told about it to partners, one of them noticed: "Not absolutely so. For example, computer accounting in a warehouse also reduces theft, so, increases the profit of the company". The fair note, but we will return to it later.

And so, ANY SOFTWARE only automates what is … If in firm accounting is conducted (and where it will get to!), this accounting in the same type will also be automated. Only instead of 20 accountants 5 will quite cope … The same both on a warehouse, and on the personnel with salary … And all got used to it and perceive quite normally. Nobody waits that if it implements the automated accounting, then at it taxes will significantly decrease! Any director does not calculate that after implementation of the computer program "Salary and Personnel" he will reduce FZP! Though, expenses on calculation will significantly be cut down, the quantity of errors will decrease and so forth. But, any director will not purchase the program for an inventory control if it has no warehouse! Even if to tell 100 times to it that implementation of the Inventory control program like mad reduces theft!

Let's return to CRM systems. What do they differ from Accounting, Warehouse in and so forth? Yes anything! It is too only the computer programs intended for automation of specific area of a company performance. Question, what area? What in the company should the CRM program automate? As "Customer relationship management" is not difficult to guess by the name, likely … We look further if the company works at the market, then it, for certain, has clients. If there are clients, then, naturally, with them there is some relationship! But whether there is CRM?

Actually, in the term CRM – Customer Relationship Management (Customer relationship management), the main word of UPRAVLENIYE! 10 years' experience of communication with the companies of the different industries shows that clients are, relationship is, but very few people them really UPRAVLYAET at the level of the company!

I tell Customer relationship managements about existence of the procedure (business process, practice of application and so forth call as you want). Managements from company management, but not from individual employees to whom presented the digital diary. Responsibly I say that at most the Russian companies of such procedures just NET! And not because we have some wrong directors … It is simple, first, in the West where CRM was born, these procedures formed for centuries, secondly, boundless and "greasy" pre-crisis the 2000th it somehow not really assumed the 90th …

Returning to program "rams" … If the company has no inventory control … (see above) If there is no mass payroll calculation … If accounting simple and formal … Why to it to automate what NET? … more precisely, even not so … KAK it will be able to automate what is not present? If customer relations were never the CONTROL OBJECT at the level of the company, then there is no sense to spend time and money for implementation of the CRM system!

Why the people persistently buy that it is not necessary for it or what it is not ready to? Well, actually, PR and advertizing … It is the simplest to organize "vparing" on "tempting and unknown" … Provide for a minute that nobody knows what is accounting! … There is an objective arrival of money, an expense of money … There are some unclear structures which require the reporting and some payment … This month it is necessary to pay one amount, in the following, for some reason, another … (nobody watches laws, does not penetrate into an essence and optimizes nothing) … And there is a prince with a white compact disk who broadcasts that it is worth delivering the program, and money it is possible to spend much less!... And on the Internet all speak about it … and hold seminars that "accounting", it cool! Ridiculously, huh? And so, in the market of CRM systems approximately and occurs!

In what sense of a subtitle … They say that carrots are useful to sight! But, if you have no teeth that to gnaw it, you can suck it as much as necessary … The sight at you will not improve!

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