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The world market of CAM systems will grow by 8.7%


14.05.10, 18:06, Msk

Analysts of CIMdata company predict growth of the world market of CAM and PLM systems by 8.7% in 2010. Among CAM vendors on sales volume again Delcam which does not concede the first place decade is called the leader.

By CIMdata estimates, the market of the systems of the numerical control (NC) where analysts of the company first of all carry PLM and CAM systems, and the corresponding IT services was reduced in volume during 2009 by 13.1% from $1.425 billion in 2008 to $1.239 billion in a year past. It is direct result of world economic downturn, analysts, including production cutbacks say. At the same time the forecast for the market for 2010 positive: growth by 8.7%.

In 2009 on total revenue among CAM vendors once again on the first place there was a Delcam company. For the first time it got on the first place in rating in the 2000th year when caught up with the Japanese Hitachi Zosen, and since then does not yield the position.

According to the report of CIMdata, at Delcam also the development team largest at the moment among CAM vendors, it totals 165 people. More than 100 people in division of CAM developments have two more companies: Siemens PLM (121) and Dassault (110). Besides, according to a research, the company sold most licenses in 2009.

For the last decade Delcam was succeeded to increase a market share considerably. The profit of the company grew from 17 million pounds in the 2000th year to 31.8 million pounds last year. For this period revenue of all CAM vendors in total, on the contrary, was reduced from $806 million to $804 million for the last 9 years.

In many respects it is explained by the current economic downturn when the small growth of the market in the 2008th year was followed by its sharp slowdown for 15% in a year past. The firm position of Delcam during this period was provided with a number of factors: growth in sales of the solutions PowerMILL and ArtCAM, acquisition of a product family of FeatureCAM and PartMaker and also some other profitable agreements, in particular, delivering solutions for the dental and orthopedic industry, the report says.