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The TTK constructed a communication channel for "SPb Isotope

Customers: SPb Isotope

St. Petersburg; Transport

Product: Projects of creation of complex telecom infrastructure

Project date: 2020/05  - 2020/11

2020: Organization of the independent channel of telecommunication services

On December 16, 2020 the Transtelecom company announced the organization of the independent channel of telecommunication services on the industrial territory of JSC SPb IZOTOP, enterprise of ROSATOM State Corporation. Within the agreement signed according to the results of the tender specialists of the macroregion the North of Transtelecom Company performed works in full. The TTK provided to the customer the channel capacity of 50 Mbps with a possibility of expansion.

St. Petersburg ""ISOTOPE" are among core activities of Joint-stock company: rendering transport-logistic services to the enterprises of a nuclear fuel cycle, supply of equipment and devices of radiation control, the protective equipment and individual protection equipment, complete ensuring export-import transactions, including a customs clearance. The enterprise is the largest specialized supplier of radio isotope products in the Northwest for medical organizations, research institutes and industrial enterprises.

In our work the essential value has a possibility of fast information exchange with partners, clients and also with territorially remote divisions. The Transtelecom company has reputation of the reliable supplier of telecom services, and this project not an exception, all works are performed at the high level, - Sergey Semyonov, the head of information technology of JSC SPb IZOTOP commented.

The Transtelecom company continues cooperation with the enterprises of ROSATOM State Corporation, thereby confirming readiness for implementation of difficult infrastructure projects in the shortest possible time. The quality of the provided services is repeatedly mentioned by clients, and it is the best assessment for JSC Transtelecom,-rasskazal Sovetnik Generalnogo direktora JSC Transtelecom Company Vadim Skripnik.