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Баннер в шапке 2
2020/12/18 14:43:25

Radio-frequency kateterny ablation (RChA)

The radio-frequency kateterny ablation (RChA) is one of the most modern low-invasive surgical methods directed to elimination of violations of arrhythmia using the special catheters entered into a heart cavity through vessels and radio-frequency energy. This method made this revolution in approach to treatment of the majority of types of arrhythmias and became an alternative to long-term treatment using medicines for many patients.

Main article: Arrhythmia

The radio-frequency kateterny ablation (RChA) belongs to low-invasive interventions and is easily transferred by patients, considerably improving their quality of life, allowing to lower number of episodes of arrhythmia and weight of symptoms in the long term and also to return a normal rhythm. For 2020, the procedure is carried out in a planned order in the territory of the Russian Federation, executed on a quota and is free for patients.