Customers: Mostra-group Contractors: IT Prof of Groups (IT Prof Group) Product: 1C: Holding ManagementНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2020/04 - 2020/10
Number of licenses: 35
Within an effective objective the following tasks were selected:
- Receiving and data storage from transit base MS SQL by automatic data exchange for the purpose of use of information for calculation and formation of allocation bases for indicators P&L according to actual data, such, as:
- normative - the reference information;
- sales informations and shipment;
- data on goods receipts;
- data on goods write-off;
- data on payments from clients and on payments to suppliers;
- data on a remaining balance of goods for date;
- data on a status of debit and creditor debts for date and so on.
- Data loading from MS Excel for formation of planned budgets and formation of the RF forecast (Rolling Forecast, the so-called sliding planning). In the most general sense the sliding forecasting (Rolling-Forecast, RF) represents regular refining of forecasts and plans for some permanent amount of the periods forward and regular (once a month or quarter) its adjustment.
- Storage of optional data from external systems of the customer.
- Formation and calculation of data for the budget "P&L" by the following types: planned budget, plan-fact budget, actual P&L, RF forecast.
- Formations of report forms P&L by all types of planning with detailing to the Sales channel, the Client, Outlet, Goods, the Partner, the Portfolio and Business - the directions.
- Providing data to other systems of the Customer by unloadings of data in the MS Excel.
The result of implementation of these developments can be considered:
- Automation of process of consolidation of data from the different accounting systems. In the 1C: Holding Management 8 program loading and document storage and reference books of the following subsystems is organized: Bank and cash desk, Sales, Purchases, Warehouse, Transactions, Budgeting, reporting and analysis.
- Decrease in labor input of calculation of delivery costs, automation of this process.
- Expansion of the received analytics of budgets "P&L" by all types of scenarios, connected with completion of algorithms of formation of cost allocation bases and measure calculation of budgets.
- Unification and automation of formation of a compensating balance.
- Variability of calculation of exchange differences within one information base.
6. Determination of auxiliary indicators for payroll (the module on "PHOT").
- Formation of RF-of the forecast on the basis of the sales plan by different the analyst, including by Nomenclature.
- Automation of budgeting in the conditions of variety of the accounting systems which helps to organize joint work of users with data bulks and accomplishment of complex calculations of budget model.
- Adaptation of the standard module of work with budget models of any complexity under needs of the customer with preserving of standard functionality: indicators of budgets can be connected by simple formulas or be calculated on difficult algorithms. The built-in designer of budget model is the tabular editor of a data structure. Rules of calculation are set using formulas, how it becomes in widespread spreadsheets.
- In quality the analyst of indicators of budgets in addition to key measurements (the period, the scenario, currency, the CFD, the project) it is possible to use the 6th additional the analyst, connected with reference books of a system. Thanks to the made completions regarding the organization of loading and storage of the normative reference information from the accounting systems of the Customer, in quality the analyst of indicators of budgets all indicators designated in a main objective can be used.
- The interface of the program was as close as possible to the third-party accounting systems of the Customer. The interface with which the user when planning budgets in "1C: Holding Management 8" works is similar to the interface of spreadsheets. It is also the table with a possibility of editing values in cells, in it functions of copying and an insert of cell range, copying of values on a line or on a column are supported.