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Wynne Hughes Helen (Helen Wynne Hughes)



Wynne Hughes Helen (Helen Wynne Hughes)
Wynne Hughes Helen (Helen Wynne Hughes)


2020: Fight against breast cancer using CAR-T therapy

In the middle of December, 2020 therapy by T-cages with himerny anti-gene receptors (CAR-T) helped the woman with terminal cancer which expected term of life when using traditional methods of therapy was less than 12 months.

Helen Wynne Hughes living in the Routine, Denbishire learned the diagnosis on the eve of Christmas of 2018. During the third pregnancy she felt extraordinary badly and on the advice of doctors decided to undergo inspection. Made to Hughes the diagnosis a lymphoma, and she completed a chemotherapy course, however it did not bring desirable results so Hughes began to train the husband and children for the worst. It was supposed that Christmas of 2019 will become her last, and Hughes told:

To me permitted to go home to Christmas to look how children open the gifts. But me there was enough everything for a couple of hours, I was already too sick.

Then doctors suggested to try Hughes the newest method of treatment - therapy of CAR-T which uses own cells of a body for fight against a disease. At this method of treatment from blood of the patient select immune cages, known as T-lymphocytes or T-cages. They help an organism to struggle with an infection, revealing viruses and other pathogens. Then these cages genetically modify in laboratory for an expression of the specific receptor contacting protein of a tumor of the patient. As soon as these cages repeatedly enter into the patient's blood, his immune system receives the "new firmware" capable to distinguish cells of a tumor and to fight against them.

Thus, CAR-T therapy, i.e. therapy by T-cages with himerny anti-gene receptors, is individual for each patient. It is suitable for patients with the progressing or recidivous malignant new growths of blood who do not respond to treatment. Hughes became the first woman in Wales who received CAR-T therapy. Now Helen also looks for the donor of stem cells for prevention of a recurrence and hopes to return to work as the elementary school teacher at the end of 2021.[1]
