The Akropol bank selected online banking for private clients based on the solution
Customers: Acropolis bank
Contractors: Center of Financial Technologies (CFT) Product: Faktura.ruProject date: 2020/05 - 2020/11
2020: Updating based on the solution
The updated Internet banks and mobile application became available to private clients in JSC CB AKROPOL. On December 22, 2020 the CFT company reported about it. Services of remote service are implemented based on the product F.Balance from Independent registration in RBS and recovery of the password is available to the acting clients to convenience of the acting and new clients. The Internet bank and mobile application are executed in default design of F.Balance from
Such opportunities of online banking as transfers in rubles and foreign currency, services for transactions with foreign currency on an internal online course are available to clients of AKROPOL bank. Besides, thanks to a complex of solutions of the CFT Group, clients AKROPOL bank can receive and send transfers on the System of fast payments of the Bank of Russia in Internet bank and mobile application.