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2020/12/23 18:36:26

National calendar of preventive inoculations

The congenital immunity is not always capable to resist to causative agents of serious and infectious diseases hard to cure, such as hepatitis B, tetanus, tuberculosis, measles, poliomyelitis and many others. As such infections highly of a kontagiozna (are infectious), and sick people can infect healthy, one of key tasks – to stop spread of an infection, to avoid epidemic. Besides, it is far more difficult to treat infectious diseases, than to prevent them. Therefore infections try to prevent. Vaccination is one of the most effective methods of creation of both individual, and collective immunity at many infectious diseases, including at a koronavirusny infection.


In Russia the National calendar of preventive inoculations within which inoculations are carried out in certain age to children and adults works. The inoculations included in the calendar insured on compulsory health insurance do free of charge.

It is better to take root from many diseases at once or to do inoculations on one?

There are combined vaccines which one inoculation protect from several infections at once. For example, to the patient the vaccines against measles, a rubella and epidemic parotitis and also from diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus can be entered at the same time.

Frequency and age in which it is necessary to undergo vaccination, are defined by the Ministry of Health.

The vaccines allowed for simultaneous use can be entered in one syringe (in the form of the combined medicine) or in different syringes into different parts of the body.

If to enter two or more vaccines at the same time it is impossible, inoculations do step by step. For example, according to the instruction for application, the vaccine against yellow fever is not entered along with others at children 15 years are younger. But in each case the decision is made by the attending physician.

Why it is necessary to sign voluntary consent to medical intervention?

Giving the informed voluntary consent before medical intervention is a requirement of Article 20 of the Federal law on bases of protection of public health. At the same time should contain in such consent, including, information about:

  • purposes,
  • methods of delivery of health care,
  • related risk,
  • possible options of medical intervention,
  • about its effects and also:
  • about expected results of delivery of health care.

At the same time the medical organization bears responsibility not only for quality and safety of performing vaccination (for example, in case of developing of abscesses at abuse of regulations of an asepsis and antiseptics), but also, for example, for completeness of collecting of the allergologichesky anamnesis (in particular, in case of allergic reactions).

When performing vaccination there can be undesirable reactions (for example, temperature increase, different system reactions) which are designated in instructions for application. In the informed voluntary consent the patient assumes risk of their emergence, but only when medical care is provided properly.

2020: The vaccine "Sputnik of V" from COVID-19 is included in the calendar

Since December 27, 2020 the vaccine against a new koronavirusny infection is included in the Calendar of preventive inoculations according to epidemic indications. The inoculation from COVID-19 the first Russian vaccine "Sputnik of V (Din — Kovid-Vak)" is available everyone insured free of charge in the presence of the policy of compulsory health insurance.

In such difficult epidemic situation it is important to do vaccination against COVID-19 though the decision on an inoculation is made by the person. Under the law, vaccination in Russia is voluntary.

Inoculations from COVID-19 in general are compatible to inoculations according to the National calendar, but in each case the final decision on existence or absence at the patient of indications / contraindications is accepted by the attending physician on the basis of collecting of complaints, the anamnesis, survey, and in some cases also taking into account instrumental and laboratory methods of a research.

It is necessary to understand that, having faced a virus or a bacterium causing a serious illness, not imparted person risks the health, and it is frequent also life. When the share of the population protected by vaccination reaches the level of 90-95 percent, the pathogen practically has no chances to extend widely and to cause epidemic.

But if to ignore inoculations, there can be conditions for emergence of outbreaks of infections, effectively managed C the vaccination help.