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LUNGguard (system of transportation of donor lungs)

Developers: Paragonix Technologies
Date of the premiere of the system: January, 2021
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2021: Start of sales in the USA and Europe

At the beginning of January, 2021 the Paragonix Technologies company announced release of the storage system and transportation of donor easy LUNGguard in the USA and Europe. This solution provides hypothermal protection of lungs during transportation and the subsequent transplantation to the recipient using solutions for storage in the refrigerator. At this LUNGguard allows to save viability of lungs till eight o'clock in strictly controlled environment with digital monitoring in real time, the producer claims.

The LUNGguard system it is based on architecture of earlier started Paragonix of storage system and transportation of donor heart of SherpaPak. LUNGguard is developed for decrease in load of the donor and transplant centers where donor lungs usually pack into sterile packets and transport on the crushed ice without an opportunity is long to maintain viability of body.

Paragonix Technologies announced release of the storage system and transportation of donor easy LUNGguard in the USA and Europe

LUNGguard was developed by Paragonix Technologies in cooperation with Fund of transplantation of lungs. The president of fund Jeffrey goldstein noted (Jeffery Goldstein) in the press release that "the need for the similar device never before was such high", the pandemic of a coronavirus created new problems for patients with whom the Fund of transplantation works.

We are incredibly grateful for support of transplantation of lungs to Fund and our partner clinical physicians, - the chairman and the chief executive officer of Paragonix Technologies Bill Edelman told in the press release. - Our commands constantly worked on the LUNGguard System system taking into account requests of clinical physicians that each donor lung arrived in the best status for transplantation to the patient. We already began to cooperate with a number of the transplant centers for use of a new system in real clinical cases.[1]
