Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The billion contract for creation of the infectious body of FMBA in Obolensk is signed

Customers: FGBUZ of medical sanitary station No. 164 FMBA of Russia

Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Arius

Project date: 2021/01
Project's budget: 990 million руб.

In January, 2021 the contract for design and construction of the body for placement of infectious department and support entities of Federal State Budgetary Institution of health care "Medical and sanitary Part No. 164 of Federal Medical Biological Agency" (FGBUZ of medical sanitary station No. 164 FMBA of Russia) in Obolensk of the Moscow region was signed. The tender for 990 million rubles was won by Arius company.

It will have to implement the project until the end of 2021. He assumes construction of the three-storyed infectious body of 7.5 thousand sq.m expected 33 beds. Also in the building it is going to place an ishcheblok, autoboxes and an observator.

The main objective of the body is widespread introduction of high medical technologies in practice of rendering specialized medical care for diagnostics and treatment of different infectious diseases — it is told in the description to the tender.

The billion contract for creation of the infectious body of FMBA in the Moscow region is signed

It is supposed that in infectious department of Medical and sanitary Part No. 164 of FMBA 63 persons, including 9 doctors and 21 workers of an average link will work.

According to order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 812 of July 10, 2017, the infectious body has to be built in 2020 what from the federal budget in 2017-2019 1.5 billion rubles were selected for. Besides, 252 million rubles arrived according to the federal target program "National System of Chemical and Biological Security of the Russian Federation (2009-2014)". Total expenses on project implementation are estimated approximately at 1.8 billion rubles. The most part of means will arrive from the federal budget.

Also by January, 2021 construction research institute of pulmonology of FMBA for which about 10 billion rubles are selected continues. Is going to finish works in 2021.[1]
