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VIP clinic Amina






2021: Criminal proceedings upon the death of the patient after liposuction in clinic

As it became known on January 22, 2021, in Ingushetia brought criminal case upon the death of the patient after holding a procedure of liposuction in private clinic VIP clinic Amina.

The regional Investigative Committee (IC) reported that on January 5, 2021 performed on the woman operation for 160 thousand rubles. As investigators set, in an institution necessary conditions were not complied and also there were no specialists resuscitators. After transaction to the woman it became bad, on the road to hospital she died.

It became clear that the clinic had no license and also the organization did not receive the informed voluntary consent to liposuction from died. Also it is noted that the procedure of liposuction was carried out in the absence of the intensive care unit and specialists capable to render emergency medical aid.

In Ingushetia brought criminal case upon the death of the woman after liposuction in clinic Amina VIP clinic

Upon the incident criminal case on signs of the crime provided by the Paragraph "in" of Part 2 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is brought (rendering the services which are not meeting safety requirements of life or health of consumers, entailed the death of the person by negligence).

Legal investigation is on control of the prosecutor of the republic. For establishment of circumstances of the incident investigators withdrew documentation of clinic and medicines using which operation was performed. Also on case necessary examinations are appointed.

To the CEO the VIP of clinic Amina supervising department enters idea of elimination of the revealed violations of the law.

By data SPARK-Interfax by January, 2021, Vip klinik-Amina LLC is registered in the 2014th in Nazran, 100% of the company belong to Halit Evloyev. It is also the individual owner of the company on production of sausages (Medina LLC) and Proyekttekhnoservice construction company. Financial performance of clinic does not reveal.[1]
