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Evrazfarm is the multi-business pharmaceutical company founded in 2016 in St. Petersburg. Primary activity – distribution and sale of own medicines, dietary supplements, medical products and cosmetic products.


2021: Investment of 39 million rubles into production of medical products for healing of wounds in the Dubna SEZ

On January 26, 2021 it became known of plans of Evrazfarm LLC to implement in the territory of the Dubna special economic zone (SEZ) the project on production of the innovation highly effective medical products, namely spray of local application for healing of wounds.

According to the press service of the Ministry of investments, the industries and sciences of Moscow area, an analog of domestic production by the end of January, 2021 is not present. Active ingredient of spray is hemoglobin which will supply with oxygen the wound basis from the outside that will promote its healing.

Evrazfarm invests 39 million rubles in production of medical products for healing of wounds in the Dubna SEZ

Evrazfarm will release own innovative development – means of local application for treatment of venous ulcers of legs and a shin, a diabetic ulcer of foot and also for secondary healing of surgical wounds and decubituses. It can be applied including on the mucous and infected wounds.

The plant in Dubna will occupy the area of 330 sq.m, 17 employees will work there. The planned project payback period – 3 years. Investment volume into it will be 39 million rubles.

It is supposed that development, the company will perform production and promotion of a product by own forces. The company intends to deliver medical products by the state order and also in private clinics and pharmacy chains.

According to a system SPARK-Interfax, by the end of January, 2021[1]
