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ITstartup helps owners of sites and large online resources to monetize traffic using Open RTB (Real Time Bidding) technology advertizing. Online automatic auctions for the sale of advertising space on the site are held. The company connects advertisers and site owners in less than 0.15 seconds.


2022: How a Russian startup grew to compete with Google and Yandex

Who remembers the year of birth of Google or Yandex? How many years have they been around? The two internet giants, some of the world's most expensive companies, are the biggest players in the advertising sector, drawing multi-million dollar audiences and multi-billion dollar budgets. They were the first to learn how to aggregate a large audience in a high-tech way. And they made it their product. Companies without which we no longer think of the Internet environment were founded only 24 years ago. This is a very young niche, just beginning its global development, and, therefore, favoring new heroes. This is exactly what it becomes Read more in the article.