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Developers: ISG of Integrated Services Group
Technology: ERP

What is the software package "Dion"

The software package "Dion" is essentially new software product intended for development and operation of the full-function financial and economic models of business covering all key aspects of activity: from modeling and assessment of strategic initiatives to their embodiment in business processes and operational indicators. By Dion it is focused on creation of models of large and medium-sized enterprises and holdings. In the Dion environment models of the most different orientation, including completely describing model of activity of the enterprise can be developed. At the same time, unlike such ERP systems as SAP, Navision, etc., development and deployment in operation of model of activity of the enterprise in the Dion complex is performed much quicker, and support of such models costs considerably cheaper. Industrial level of the software package "Dion" is confirmed with certification on the Microsoft "Platform Test for ISV Solutions" program (the certificate "Platform Test: Windows Client + Managed Code + MS Office 2007").

Purposes of creation of Dion

During creation of Dion developers set as the purpose to integrate positive characteristics of the closed and open systems, without inheriting their shortcomings. The product which does not have analogs was as a result received. In case of the closed systems, models, as a rule, represent the independent software products providing the user with the friendly interface. But in such systems algorithms of calculation are fixed, and are unavailable to viewing and change by the user. In case of open systems, models are developed by directly analysts. It allows to reflect most fully those principles which are most significant for a specific case. As a result significantly the quality of the end results increases. On the other hand, after the model reaches a certain level, maintenance of its integrity and relevance requires more and more efforts from user side. Besides, there is always a probability of existence of an error in settlement formulas. Dion personifies the principles both the open, and closed systems. Wednesday allows users to create financial and economic models of any structure. In a basis of a system it is not put orientations to any type of business in view of what creation of the models having different focus, and allowing to consider specifics of the described business is possible. On the other hand, Dion represents to the user convenient building tools, supports and operation of models of any size.

Models in Dion

Unlike some other approaches to modeling, for example simulation modeling, model in Dion are focused on the thinking style usual for economists. The model in the Dion environment represents an object hierarchy and the tables implementing a certain data structure and also descriptions of rated formulas, linking tables with each other. The hierarchical data structure allows to be guided easily in models of the big size. Rated algorithms are set by the user in easily readable object type that allows to create and analyze difficult formulas quickly. For simplification of development and support of the large models containing typical blocks the mechanism of templates of inheritance is implemented. For example, in case of filial structure of the enterprise, it is enough to describe a standard template of branch and to create all branches as successors of this template. At the same time if further there is a need of change of a template, all successors will be appropriately automatically updated. As the environment of display of the developed models Microsoft Excel can be used. At the same time settlement algorithms will be presented in the form of formulas Excel. Thus, the created Excel file represents completely function model.

Use of Dion

Possible scopes of Dion include development of strategy of the enterprise (holding, the industry), assessment of investment projects, business value assessment, the description of value drivers of business, development of systems of strategy implementation, budgeting systems, systems of key performance indicators, systems of motivation, asset management systems, etc. After implementation, Dion provides operation of the developed models: filling by data (including work with the statuses of input and approval of data), analysis of change of settlement indicators (for example, key performance indicators), creation of reports. Work of users with a system is conducted taking into account the access rights defined for them. Models in Dion can exchange data with any information systems used at the enterprise (1C, SAP, own systems, etc.). Also in a system analytical tools (the scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis) are implemented that allows to use the developed models for the plan fact of the analysis and also for the analysis "that-if". For simplification of navigation on model the mechanism of navigation charts is implemented. For descriptive reasons submissions of different data, for example, of key performance indicators, are used panels of indicators. A system is implemented based on relevant technologies of Microsoft company, and focused on use of products of a packet of Microsoft Office. A system has the intuitive interface that, in combination with habitualness of the ideas which are the cornerstone of a system leads to the fact that training in development and use of models is carried out to Dion quickly enough. Any specific requirements are not imposed to qualification of users of a system.

Add-on modules of a software package

Dion has the client-server architecture. The primary client of a system is intended for development and operation of models. In addition to the primary client, in a system there are add-on modules. The report generator is the module "Dion" allowing to create the user reports. In addition to data mapping of model, data in the report can be obtained by aggregation of the existing data, or dynamically be calculated on a certain user to formulas. Besides, creation of the reports using the mechanism of templates of modeling is possible. Web access is the module "Dion" allowing users to work with the Dion models via the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser without installation of additional applications on computers of users. The web client of Dion is intended for input and viewing data and also for management of the statuses of input and approval of data in the models implemented in Dion.