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ReadSense: A test system for determination of different strains of SARS-CoV-2

Developers: ReadSense (Ridsens)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/02/11
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Main article: Tests for COVID-19 coronavirus

2021: Development of a genetic test system

Startup of ReadSense of Tekhnospark Group of investment network Fund of infrastructure and educational programs (FIOP) Rusnano developed the genetic test system capable to define not only presence of a koronavirusny infection, but also specific strain of SARS-CoV-2. The first pilot batches will be ready to deliveries to research laboratories in the nearest future. Reported about it to Rusnano on February 11, 2021.

We created the universal platform by fast determination of shtammovy accessory of a virus. Development is easily scaled, and the coronavirus is one of the most difficult objects with which this system, but not the only thing can work. It is rather simple to upgrade a test system under other purposes within a short period of time, - the head of the genomic center ReadSense Gleb Speshilov said.

In this project the method of monomolecular sequencing - TGS is used (third generation sequencing) using technology of nanopore sequencing (Nanopore). The cloud service also enters development for fast data analysis of sequencing and determination of a strain of the activator.

Application of this test system will allow to carry out the analysis of SARS-CoV-2 the positive samples confirmed earlier using the PTsR method. At the same time preliminary cultivation of a virus is not required. The strain will be it is defined within 3 hours after identification of COVID-19.

This test system is capable to add the most extended for February, 2021 method of diagnosis of a coronavirus – by a method of polymerase chain reaction with return transcription (OT-PTSR). Similar tests it is registered in Russia for February, 2021 already more than ten, but they do not allow to define different strains of SARS-CoV-2.

Meanwhile clinical observations speak about very different levels aggressions of different strains of a coronavirus in terms of speed distribution and weights of course of a disease at separate categories infected. Operational data on a specific strain of SARS-CoV-2 can to be taken into account when choosing the adequate scenario of treatment taking into account "weights" of a strain, shared state of health of the patient and weight of course diseases.

Own capacities of ReadSense allow to produce up to 5 thousand test systems in a month.

The investment and technical Tekhnosparka resources and all network of the FIOP nanocenters give the chance to quickly increase release of these test systems to necessary quantity in scales of the country. Assistance in it will be rendered by all profile businesses of Group. The system of job specialization created Tekhnosparky for the last eight years on release of technology products works as some kind of pipeline of innovations - quickly and is productive, - the chairman of the board of directors of Tekhnospark Group Denis Kovalevich noted.

ReadSense is also ready to render services in sequencing - to reading DNA and RNA biomolecules, in particular, for the purpose of determination of a strain of a coronavirus. For satisfactions of needs for sequencing through the whole country corresponding the operating PTsR-laboratories working with COVID-19 can be equipped with the research equipment. It is rational to use the ReadSense test systems in those organizations where in day comes to light from 40 to one hundred positive tests.

Determination of a strain will be approximately by one and a half times more expensive of the normal PTsR-test for a coronavirus.

But the cost of the alternative methods of reading DNA, known in the market, on orders above, - Gleb Speshilov assured.

In the world the states for February, 2021 apply extraordinary measures in connection with distribution so-called "British" and "South African" the strains of a coronavirus capable to cause repeated infections among had other strains and showing the increased death rate among infected.

The tightest restrictions and control measures are introduced for expansion of their areas of distribution. It is crucial to reduce probability intersections of patients with different types of strains in medical institutions. Between microbiologists are convinced that that emergence of new strains of a coronavirus inevitably.