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Developers: Software AG
Last Release Date: 2019/05/21
Technology: BPM


ARIS is the complex platform for management of digital transformation of business. Implements a full stroke of change management of a business model: from strategic goal-setting before monitoring of real execution of business processes and formation of offers on optimization based on analytical data.


ARIS integrates separate business processes (management of an enterprise architecture, quality, risks, etc.) in the centralized business model. Creates a uniform source of reliable data which gives a fair idea of what project initiatives should be put in a priority. ARIS increases flexibility of business processes and IT infrastructure and thus gives to the enterprise the chance to react quickly to the changing market conditions, to adapt to requests of clients. The predetermined set the practician, built in ARIS, helps to reduce terms of implementation of project initiatives, to accelerate (feather) design of business processes and their implementation in corporate IT systems: SAP, etc.


Key products ARIS

  • ARIS Architect & ARIS Designer. Are intended for design, the analysis, management, administration and improvement of a business model of all enterprise — from business strategy to architecture of IT systems, services, data and risks.
  • ARIS Connect. Being the socially oriented tool, ARIS Connect allows the enterprise to collect responses from all employees and thanks to it to improve the operating IT systems and business processes much quicker.
  • ARIS Aware. Gives the 360-degree overview of business processes of the enterprise, in view of all data relating to business collected from separate sources. Visualizes collected data on personalized infopanel, in the form of KPI that at all levels of business it was possible to make decisions, factual.
  • ARIS Process Performance Manager (PPM). Analyzes performance of business processes. Estimates them in terms of the speed, costs and quality. Reveals in processes bottlenecks for the subsequent their optimization. ARIS PPM allows to reconstruct automatically the business processes which are already operating at the enterprise and to transfer them to ARIS, without need to write a program code.
  • ARIS Simulation. It is intended for modeling and the analysis of business processes. Helps to reveal defects and optimal in terms of KPI sets of parameters.
  • ARIS Risk and Compliance Manager. Integrates all various requirements of regulators in a single system of internal control to simplify observance of requirements of regulators. ARIS Risk and Compliance Manager allows to adapt IT infrastructure of the enterprise to new requirements of regulators quickly. Allows to emulate risk events and to analyze how the accompanying damage is distributed among the operating IT systems and business processes.

Opportunities and architecture of ARIS

According to information for October, 2019 the ARIS platform can conditionally be separated into 15 functional parts (see the drawing below). Interacting with each other, these components ensure smooth operation of corporate IT infrastructure, give a clear and fair idea of business processes, of interdependence between resources, risks, strategy and IT. Thanks to it business becomes more transparent.

ARIS components
  • Design is an ARIS platform core. Provides a wide variety of standard models and objects which can be taken as a basis for the projects.
  • Document. Allows to attach documents of various formats to models and objects of projectible business process that it was possible to work with them on a centralized basis and thus to monitor that IT and processes were approved with business strategy.
  • Repository. The centralized information warehouse, connected with projectible business processes and the accompanying assets. Is a basis for formation of a uniform source of reliable data. Microsoft SharePoint can be integrated with the document management system which is already operating at your enterprise, for example.
  • Collaboration & Contribution. Provides to participants of a project team a convenient handshaking.
  • Governance. Provides observance of requirements of regulators, internal and external. Helps to implement all-organizational politicians and to differentiate access to the ARIS platform on the basis of roles and job responsibilities.
  • Discovery. Monitors the business processes executed in the IT systems unrolled at the enterprise that then, making a start from collected data, automatically to recreate these processes for work with them in ARIS.
  • Reporting. A set of standard reports (220+) are available in ARIS directly from a box. They can be expanded and adapted for the needs.
  • Analytics & Simulation. Help to analyze as business process will behave, adjoining to the IT systems unrolled at the enterprise. Allow to model several alternative scenarios at once and to compare their KPI through a uniform infopanel; vary interdependent parameters of business process and observe how it is reflected in KPI. Analytics, relying on artificial intelligence, automatically establishes root causes of existence of bottlenecks in business process which negatively affect its KPI.
  • Test Design. Automatically generates tests, banishes them in the simulation mode. In the course of the run takes useful information: business process, what costs how many it is necessary to time to receive the resources necessary for business process accomplishment how many it will be required the employees is what is the time executed; what risks this process with itself bears, these risks, etc. are how probable.
  • Model to execute. Gives an opportunity of exchange of BPMN models with any other BPMS tools supporting BPMN 2.0 that models could be tested not only in ARIS, but also by means of other tools. In particular, this component provides synchronization of a repository of ARIS with webMethods BPMS that the designed business processes could be implemented easily on webMethods.
  • Connectivity for SAP Solutions. Allows to use extensive experiment of Software AG on creation of solutions using SAP (sets of best practices are preset in ARIS).
  • Publishing & Dashboarding. After business process is designed, tested and optimized, it can be published and then to trace KPI of this process through the personalized infopanel. Users of ARIS obtain through them exactly so much information on business process how many that is required by their job responsibilities.
  • Mobile access. Provides secure access to all opportunities of ARIS from the mobile device by means of ARIS API.

The listed above functional parts represent an architectural basis for the products ARIS.

Business challenges which are solved by ARIS

ARIS provides business process management (BPM) and thus accelerates digital transformation of the enterprise. According to information for October, 2019 the platform allows:

  • develop business strategy and transfer it from paper to the real world (to formulate and test business models);
  • manage business processes on the basis of reference indicators of KPI, the real facts and digits (to create, model, analyze, monitor, to improve, automate; distribute resources);
  • control compliance to requirements of the regulator, manage risks; book audit (external and internal);
  • manage customer relations (to work with the card of a travel of the consumer, etc.); configure contact points with clients to compare how business estimates satisfaction of client needs, with how it is estimated by clients;
  • integrate all relevant information and documents into the single database and then to provide the necessary information to the necessary people in due time — on their place;
  • implement IoT-projects: from development of business strategy before creation of technical assets;
  • cooperate in work on business processes; on a centralized basis to collect offers on optimization from all participants of the working group.

Release of ARIS 10 SR8

On May 21, 2019 the Software AG company announced the next release of own ARIS platform (version 10 of SR8). Four of its components underwent updating of functionality at once: ARIS Process Design & Methodology, ARIS Process Mining, ARIS Connect/Cloud, ARIS Aware.

The main event of this release — complete processing of the environment of modeling of processes: it became the simplest and "intellectual".

As Tom Taler explains:

The smart environment of modeling tries to guess continuously, step by step, what will be the following action of the architect, and adapts to it. Thanks to it the architect can make all actions necessary to it in one click and thus design the model, without being distracted by imposition.
Tom Taler, the senior manager on a product line of ARIS

Six key features of the smart environment of modeling:

  • Intellectual positioning of objects. The smart environment of modeling remembers typical parameters which the architect sets to construction blocks of the modelled process, and during repeated creation of objects tries "guess" the necessary set of parameters. Therefore to add objects above, below, at the left or on the right already existing object it is possible in one click now. For this purpose it is necessary to guide the cursor at small blue "bubble" from the necessary party and to click in a shortcut bar on an object. It will appear where it is necessary, on standard removal from initial, with the correct size of a frame and with the correct fields for the text.
  • Self-training shortcut bar. A system remembers objects which use most often, and fills with these objects a shortcut bar. Contents of a panel are automatically updated at each change of a context.
  • Trunk lines in one click. If to clamp a mouse on the necessary party of one object and then to release it on the necessary party of another, then a system itself will draw the suitable line which is ideally bending around passing objects. It is also possible to create at the same time both a new object, and a new trunk line. For this purpose it is necessary to clamp a mouse on a suitable object of a shortcut bar, to move the cursor to the right place and to release.
  • Intellectual insert and removal of objects. To insert an object between two already existing and interconnected, it is enough to place this object on a trunk line. A system itself will release for it space, having moved apart the next objects, itself will delete old connection and will create new. During removal of an object the torn-off connections are removed and new is automatically created.
  • The simplified switching of characters. For this purpose it is necessary to click on the icon with a gear located in the upper right corner of the current object and to select the necessary character.
  • Drag & Drop. In order that to add an object to a working space, now it is necessary just to move it with a mouse or from a side bar, or from a shortcut bar. The smart environment of modeling itself will take care of that it was located without having broken structure of already drawn model.

Among other improvements of release:

ARIS Connect/Cloud:

  • the mini-fact sheets (detailed information on an object directly on the chart, with a possibility of setup through UI and XML);
  • autoscroll on charts (upon transition to an object which is with edge of the screen it is automatically centered);
  • full-screen navigation (when detailing an object there is no forced exit from the full-screen mode now);
  • access to tables (it was possible to work with tables only through the thick client earlier).

ARIS Process Mining: the possibility of loading of logs of events for the recovered PPM processes via the web interface without configuring by specially trained person is special.

2017: Support of SAP Solution Manager is included

On February 6, 2017 the Software AG company provided the tool of the analysis of business processes which supports the upgraded version of SAP Solution Manager as locally, and in a cloud. It represents the environment for collaboration in process optimization providing available at the request of means of documentation and the analysis of processes.

ARIS provides standard data exchange between the environment of the analysis of business processes and the SAP Solution Manager 7.2 API interface. Use of the ARIS for SAP Solutions environment helps to simplify implementation of technologies of SAP, to reduce operating time over projects almost by 40% and to accelerate installation of technologies of SAP at the enterprises.

ARIS -> SAP Solution Manager, (2016)

In general, ARIS for SAP Solutions for any company remains the major component for software implementation of SAP. He guarantees effective integration of processes on Wednesday to SAP and provides timely support of updates and new solutions of SAP. ARIS ensures accurate interaction and convenient joint work of the distributed divisions, helping the companies to implement the software of SAP successfully.

Wolfram Jost, technical director of Software AG

  • Design of processes and development of standard solutions in the Wednesday adapted for SAP products. ARIS for SAP Solutions provides complex representation of processes of SAP which will be clear to specialists as in the field of IT, and to specialists of the general management. The environment of process management of SAP Solution manager is integrated with the specification of processes into ARIS and complemented with the complete and detailed description of business requirements.

  • Testing of SAP solutions. ARIS for SAP Solutions considerably saves time thanks to reuse of earlier created process models for complex testing to guarantee proper work of SAP solutions.

  • Training, commissioning and information support of SAP solutions. ARIS for SAP Solutions provides complete data on process model and Wednesday that promotes identical understanding operating environment by all participants. Processes can be reused for information exchange, creation of documentation and user training. On the one hand, users can begin accomplishment of transaction in a SAP software directly from ARIS, and with another — instead of the normal reference for users of a SAP software they see data on the process of ARIS connected with specific transaction.

  • API interface. ARIS for SAP Solutions operates with data only of the relevant SAP Solution Manager configuration and also will transform the ARIS models (i.e. EPC and BPMN) to a hierarchical structure of SAP Solution Manager. Bilateral data exchange provides timely providing data on changes to specialists both in the field of IT, and in the field of business as at all stages of the project the same information base is used.

2012: ARIS 9.0

In October, 2012 Software AG submitted the new version of the ARIS platform opening for developers of processes access to modern cloud, mobile, social computing and the advanced means of analytics. The ARIS 9.0 platform offers even more development tools and testings designed to accelerate work on business process optimization. Expanded analytical tools allow to work with business information, for example key performance indicators — including from the mobile device.

The improved means of cross analytics allow to manage processes at absolutely new level. Besides, the new ARIS Connect platform can be unrolled in a cloud environment, providing quick access to other users of ARIS within the company.

"Social networks" changed how people work and interact with each other. The new ARIS Connect platform allows the companies to use all power of similar technologies for optimization of the business processes. In particular, ARIS Connect is offered by the new client based on HTML5 with support of access from smartphones and tablets.

Social Internet resources integrate many people, each of which has the preferences, the role and the tasks. Thanks to ARIS 9.0 each participant of process has at the order the necessary information, data and tools corresponding to its experience and requirements. Besides, tools can be configured according to requirements of the specific project, from models of metadata to elements of the user interface.

The ARIS 9.0 platform offers the convenient toolbars similar to that which we got used to see in browsers, so, the user should not spend a lot of time for training.

Expanded means of analytics

The modern companies set before themselves all the new and new purposes and tasks. In order that it is better to conform to requirements of business, the environment of modeling of processes should be the most flexible and effective in the communication scheme. The ARIS 9.0 platform offers all necessary for this purpose: expanded means of analytics, control panels, tables of aggregated data and function of modeling of situations. Use of advanced technologies and methodologies of PRIME guarantees fast payback of the solution.

Advantages to business

The combination of the ARIS 9.0 and webMethods 9.0 platforms will help the companies to use the best technologies and means of analytics on service of the business. Together these platforms create the modular, scalable IT environment providing flexibility and the high level of business process automation. The first clients will be able to test the ARIS 9.0 and webMethods 9.0 platforms in already in the fourth quarter 2012. The start of sales is planned for the first quarter 2013.


ARIS 7.2

  • Interoperability of processes and models. Specialists from IT and business can work jointly now, providing the automated execution of the simulated business processes. Joint work includes "circular" exchange of process models between ARIS and webMethods at which the same models are used within all cycle BPM – from design before implementation and automation, monitoring and the analysis and a new round of design. In new versions the abilities to manage providing the most total reflection of the changes made at any stage are also implemented.
  • Broad integration of content. Integration of content within the automated business processes is very convenient for the organizations. Traditionally the BPMS software packages automated processes within IT systems and interaction of the personnel based on flows of works. webMethods 8.2 includes also process activity in a document type now that allows to overcome a gap between processes and documentation supporting them.
  • The event handling focused on business. The organizations can increase the flexibility, having included business events in daily transactions. Existence of the infrastructure allowing to reveal the most significant combinations of events from the unstructured flow generated by different internal and external systems gives the chance to cut information "noise" and to react to significant changes before they influence business operations. Version 8.2 of the webMethods platform is controlled events, including rules for events and comparison of combinations, identification, prediction and correlation of events.
  • Flexibility of IT and change management. A number of new opportunities is designed to help users to simplify process of implementation and transition to new versions and also to expand its potential. Upgrade process is performed more simply and quicker now, and implementation of enterprise-wide program assets requires much less efforts.
  • Implementation of web-centric architecture (WOA). The organizations using WOA for fast creation of hybrid applications, web and mobile applications use REST services for work with the WOA resources. The version of webMethods 8.2 supports end-to-end lifecycle of REST services, including their creation, use and management by them for quality assurance, security and other requirements of agreements on the service layer.

ARIS 7.2. The new version supplements functionality of ARIS 7.0, adding …

  • Process analytics for webMethods, including data integration of webMethods BPMS into ARIS Mashzone and ARIS PPM;
  • Online support of meetings in real time for expansion of joint work when modeling processes;
  • Possibility of a chat, "electronic board" and video conferences.


The ARIS platform allows to plan, to visualize and estimate the business processes, applications, technologies given by means of the central storage. Consistent integration of all information provides a possibility of reuse of elements of architecture in all representations of the company for planning, design and development of scenarios of solutions. All interested categories of users, starting with top managers and finishing operations managers, receive the specialized representations facilitating accomplishment of their daily functions.

ARIS is one of market leaders of BPA solutions. It can be easily integrated with SAP. Integration into other solutions of Software AG allows to receive single solution for BPA, BPM and SOA. Using Software AG which are built in in ARIS modules customers solve the problems connected with strategic planning, design, the organization and deployment of business processes, measurement of their efficiency and search of opportunities for their improvement. Users of ARIS are more than 7500 companies belonging to various sectors of the economy, for example, such as Swisscom, BMW, Hitachi and many bank structures of Europe.

The ARIS Business Performance Edition platform includes all new and advanced products ARIS. At product development requirements of such strategic partners of IDS Scheer as SAP, Oracle and Microsoft were considered. The offered functionality and products are designed to serve a main goal — increase in business performance.

Using ARIS Business Architect it is possible to trace versions of process models now that increases efficiency of team work, especially at the distributed business process modeling. Modeling with control on time also increases functionality of project management in ARIS.

Users can visualize the executed processes, analyze and optimize them. In case of errors or exceptions the new module ARIS Process Event Monitor allows to introduce necessary amendments without delay. Errors can be corrected in real time, supporting thus the high level of quality of processes.

The ARIS Performance Dashboard control panel provides the consolidated viewing all information, significant in terms of the efficiency, on processes obtained from the products ARIS and external sources with a possibility of setup under specific target groups.

Additional materials

Aris Platform the Product description in PDF