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TPTI introduced the digital model of the Center for Collective Use "Siberian Ring Source of Photons"

Customers: G.K. Boreskov Institute for Catalysis

Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare

Product: BIM projects

Project date: 2020/09  - 2021/02

2021: Presentation of the digital model of the Siberian Ring Photon Source

Central Design and Technology Institute (TsPTI JSC), part of the Fuel Company) Rosatoma "TVEL" presented the results of the design and digital model of the Siberian Ring Photon Source Center (SCIF CCP) to the Chairman. Governments of the Russian Federation To Mikhail Mishustin This Rosatom was announced on March 10, 2021.

The meeting on the implementation of the national project "Science," part of which is the creation of a synchrotron radiation source of the generation "4 +" in the Koltsovo Science City, was held at the Institute of Nuclear Physics named after G.I. Budker of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences during a working trip of the Head of Government to the Novosibirsk Region.

Representatives of the Central Design and Technology Institute (TsPTI JSC, an enterprise of the Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL; general designer of TsKP SKIF), the Institute of Catalysis of the SB RAS (customer-developer), as well as the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the SB RAS (developer and manufacturer of the main technological equipment).

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin got acquainted with the technology of the synchrotron as part of the demonstration of the digital information model (BIM-model) of the Central Design and Technological Institute "SKIF - in fact, the digital twin of the future megasiens facility, created by the Central Design and Technological Institute.

During the design process, TsPTI developed the architectural appearance of SKIF. Our task was to make a landmark object for the region, which will be the center of attraction of scientists. We formed a team from a customer-developer, general designer and general designer, placed the equipment in detail and recreated the synchrotron technology on a digital double. The digital model houses all the buildings and structures of the complex - the main ring building with an accelerator, in the stadium-sized storage building there are user stations - six stations of the first stage, in the future there will be thirty, each with its own method of research using synchrotron radiation. We did this at the design stage, then there will be working documentation of a high level of detail, which can be put into construction and then into operation, "said Igor Bunchuk, head of the methodology and support department for digital design and design of TsPTI JSC.

Prime Minister RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mikhail Mishustin noted the significance of the SKIF project and the importance of timely commissioning of the facility at the end of 2024.

Mikhail Mishustin wished the creators of the SKIF project that all interested universities get their workplace here, their laboratory and the opportunity for research for the development of domestic science, industry and technology.

In accordance with the state contract, TsPTI JSC developed design documentation for 28 buildings and structures of TsKP SKIF with a total area of ​ ​ more than 76,000 square meters. m and a construction volume of about 600,000 cubic meters. m, including the main buildings of the acceleration-storage complex - the building of the injector, storage and experimental stations.

As of March 2021, the project documentation was developed in full, in accordance with the current norms and rules of the Russian Federation and transferred to the customer - the Institute of Catalysis SB RAS for consideration and approval.

The receipt of the conclusion of the Main State Examination for design documentation is planned in July 2021.