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Баннер в шапке 2
Obolentsev Ivan Aleksandrovich
Obolentsev Ivan Aleksandrovich

Obolentsev Ivan Aleksandrovich was born on July 20, 1973 in Moscow.

Has the higher economic education. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Degree of MVA.

Since December, 1999 and till present heads Optifud Group, being one of her founders. The Optifud group is a large operator of the market of the frozen fowl (15% of the market) and fruit today, these are more than 2 billion rubles of investments into self-produced development of meat of broilers in the Rostov region, these are logistics, construction services and many other things.

Since 2003 Obolentsev I. A. is the board member of "Association of operators of the Russian market of fowl". On its initiative the Association prepares projects of a number of the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation aimed at protection of domestic manufacturers and also the regulations regulating an import procedure of food. Regularly participates in meetings with the Russian President and in meetings of the State Council of the Russian Federation on agro-industrial questions.

Since 2004 till present - the Chairman of the board of directors of the Russian Agroindustrial Corporation LLC agroholding exercising control and control of productive and sales activity of Optifud Group.

The member of RUIE since 1996. In 2006 the solution of Bureau of board of RUIE it is elected the Commission chairman of Council of RUIE for HSC. Obolentsev I.A. takes active part in work of the working group of RUIE on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization and reform of customs policy.

Since April 18, 2007 joins the board of RUIE. On May 26, 2009 it is elected the Chairman of the Agro-industrial Union of Russia.

Is a member of the Board of trustees according to the edition of the Orthodox encyclopedia.

Obolentsev I. A. merits before the Russian society are mentioned by numerous awards. In 2004 it is handed Peter the Great's medal "For labor valor" for the significant contribution to development of the poultry-farming industry of Russia. Has the diploma of the best manager of Russia of 2004. Owner of the Medal of RUIE (2005). In 2007 for a big personal deposit in development of agricultural production it is awarded with the silver medal "For a Contribution to Development of Agro-industrial Complex of Russia" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.