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The developer of solutions IB "Infoprotection" implemented "Acronis Data Protection"

Customers: Infozashchita

Product: Acronis Data Protection

Project date: 2020/10  - 2021/03

2021: Implementation of Acronis Data Protection

On April 2, 2021, Acronis-Infoprotect announced that Infoprotect specialists had implemented Acronis Data Protection, previously used repeatedly in their own projects.

The main criterion for choosing a solution in the company is its ability to perform backups on the fly, without the need to allocate technology windows for service. In addition, Infoprotection employees note the convenience of working with the Acronis Data Protection interface, in particular, its response time. There are other quality solutions that stand out in the company: clear logic of product management tools, informative reports, excellent documentation and technical support.

Specialists of Infoprotection independently deployed the solution in their infrastructure, tested and configured it.

The system backs up more than 100 virtual machines hosted on five physical servers in three geographically spaced data centers. System management is organized from the web console, access control is combined with the company's Active Directory directory service. In addition, the system is integrated with the mail server, company monitoring and alarm services and sends reports to the responsible persons in the event of a failure in the backup process.

Information Protection provides both incremental and differential backups, for which separate policies have been developed. An incremental backup involves the initial creation of a full copy of the data array, after which changes to the copy are made only when changes are made to the file structure. Thus, each backup captures changes that have occurred since the creation of the previous one and represents a recovery point. Differential backups are different in that after the creation of the first copy, all subsequent backups do not contain all the data, but only the changes that have occurred.

We have developed several backup policies for different plans, "explains Maxim Golovlev. - Their main differences are the frequency of copying for the most critical infrastructure nodes. As a rule, we perform a full backup every month, after which we create incremental copies once a day or a week, depending on the nature and peculiarities of the particular system. The total amount of redundant data in our infrastructure as of April 2021 is approximately 5 TB.

In addition to themselves, servers including test environments (labs with custom product configurations), file, storage financial document archive, and databases CRM financial systems, security video recordings and rotating video training courses for employees are backed up in Infoprotection.

Data risks can be roughly divided into two large categories: hardware failures and attacks that destroy (or encrypt) data. Both categories close well with one decision, "said Maxim Golovlev.

To store backups in Infosecurity, use the "classic" rule 3-2-1. It allows, on the one hand, to provide reliable insurance against data loss, on the other hand, not to create an excessive number of copies of data.

{{quote 'Approach 3-2-1 provides for the implementation of three simple rules, "says Maxim Golovlev. - In order to ensure reliability, it is necessary to create three copies of data (3), two different copies must be stored on different media (2) and, finally, one of the copies must be located in another location. We do the same: we create three copies of the data, while one of them is in the data center, which is located not just in another location, but even in another country - Germany. Such a scheme gives us confidence that in any cataclysms, one of the backups will in any case be at our disposal.

We have repeatedly been able to evaluate Akronis Data Protection in "combat" conditions. However, the company refers to the need to restore systems from backups calmly. An error that can be corrected is not an error. Incidents occur periodically in our infrastructure. All this is a consequence of solving complex problems.}}