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Google prohibited employees to use Windows


01.06.10, 17:12, Msk

The Google corporation made the next attack against the main opponent in the market of operating systems, Microsoft. Around the world prohibited the staff of the Internet company use of Microsoft Windows OS under the threat of serious sanctions from the management.

The Google Internet corporation prohibited use of the Microsoft Windows operating system in the company: this information got to media directly from the staff of the company.

Such directive was given at the beginning of January of this year. The company management explained the order with security reasons, having connected new requirements with the Chinese incident when computers of Google were cracked by hackers. Tom managers the Internet of the company was considered that prohibition on Windows will make IT infrastructure of the company which was more protected. Meanwhile, OS from Microsoft uses about 10 thousand employees of Google in different international divisions.

"We do not use Windows any more. It security requirements", - one of the staff of Google said to representatives of the press. "After the attack of hackers in China many employees forced to migrate with Windows, mainly on Mac OS", - added another.

The employees hired in January still had the right to use Windows on notebooks, but for desktops such option was already not provided. Google officially did not comment on these statements.

Windows has sad glory of the operating system, the most available to the hacker and virus attacks in comparison with other software products of this class. A dirty trick with Windows was played not least also by its wide use which made a system a target for permanent attempts of cracking.

At the same time it is known that for use of Windows the staff of Google needs to get permission "at the highest level". As other employee of the company reported, the Chief information officer of the company gives such permission personally.

According to employees of Google, they also are anxious with security issues not less management. However, most of them perceives new rules as attempt of Google to impart to the employees love to own products, in particular, to the Google Chrome operating system competing with Windows. The staff of Google says that a hacker attack to office of the company in China became only the catalyst of this process whereas preparation for it was conducted for a long time.

In spite of the fact that some staff of Google saw infringement of their free choice in the new directive, mass protests among them was not mentioned. "It would be much worse if they prohibited Mac or Linux", - one of workers commented.

Let's remind that the interests of Google and Microsoft are crossed in the numerous software markets, beginning from Internet search and e-mail and finishing with operating systems and cloud computing. While Google remains the leader in a search segment, Microsoft is possible to hold a palm in the market of operating systems: according to Net Applications, different versions of OS Windows occupy up to 80% of this market.