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2021: Infection with COVID-19 after vaccination with Sputnik V

In early April 2021, it became known about the detection of COVID-19 coronavirus from Argentine President Alberto Fernandez, who had previously vaccinated against this infection using the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.

He was given a PCR test... The test turned out to be positive, which confirms the presence of COVID-19, the president's attending physician said in a statement cited by El Cronista.

Alberto Fernandez himself said that he was feeling good: there were no deterioration, a blood test and a check of the level of oxygen saturation showed good results. At the same time, he isolated himself so as not to infect others, and urged everyone to be vaccinated:

If I didn't get vaccinated properly, now I would be very bad, "said the 62-year-old politician.

Argentine President Alberto Fernandez confirms COVID-19 infection after Sputnik V vaccination

Fernandez said on his Twitter blog that he passed the test after raising the temperature to 37.3 ° C and a slight headache.

In the Center named after Gamalei, who developed Sputnik V, wished Fernandez a speedy recovery.

If the infection is indeed detected, vaccination provides a quick recovery without severe symptoms, "it noted.

Vaccine developers recalled that Sputnik V is 91.6% effective against infection and 100% protects against the severe course of the disease.

Director of the Hamalea Center Alexander Ginzburg noted that vaccination does not exclude infection - 8% of those vaccinated are at risk, but it excludes serious consequences.

The President of Argentina vaccinated in January 2021 the day after the country's National Directorate for Medicines, Food and Medical Technology approved Sputnik V for use by people over 60 years old. Fernandez became the second head of state after Guinean President Alpha Condé, who received a Russian vaccine.[1]
